Wavelet image compression ,RGB images
2021-12-11 22:44:38 821B Wavelet image compression
2021-12-10 22:22:20 2.95MB 无损压缩方法
软件介绍: H.264.And.MPEG-4.Video.Compression中文版,这个是扫描版,不是很清晰,但也能阅读。当前数字视频技术发展迅速,特别是MPEG-4及H.264视频压缩标准,它对未来的数字电视、无线视频等产业的发展起到了巨大的推动作用,配的目的在于对这两种技术提供一个清晰和客观的不含偏见的介绍,使开发者、工程师、学者和学生能够更好地理解和有效地运用这些技术,视频和图像压缩是一个复杂而广泛的课题,本书将重点讨论该技术。
2021-12-09 11:31:44 32.5MB 其他资源
通过超高分辨率实现无损图像压缩 ,, 。 引文 @article { cao2020lossless , title = { Lossless Image Compression through Super-Resolution } , author = { Cao, Sheng and Wu, Chao-Yuan and and Kr{\"a}henb{\"u}hl, Philipp } , year = { 2020 } , journal = { arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.02872 } , } 如果您使用我们的代码库,也请考虑 概述 这是SreC在的正式实现。 SReC将无损压缩称为超分辨率问题,并将神经网络应用于图像压缩。 SReC可以在实际运行时对大型数据集实现最新的压缩率。训练,压缩和解压缩得到完全支持,并且是开源的。 入门 我们建
2021-11-28 22:36:30 41.67MB compression neural-network pytorch lossless
Data compression the complete reference 4th edition
2021-11-24 13:03:20 8.95MB Data compression the complete
Online Multi-Granularity Distillation for GAN Compression
2021-11-22 11:02:27 12.26MB
2021-11-05 14:43:59 5KB matlab
A book review of Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering ¾ Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Standards, by Yun Q. Shi and Huifang Sun Image and video compression is one of the turnkey technologies, and often indispensable, to visual communication and multimedia engineering. I am very please to see such timely and outstanding book, which is jointly written by two internationally well-known scholars, one from academia and the other from industry, and also a veteran contributor in the MPEG standards arena. With much interests and admiration while reading this book, I would like to highlight my perspectives in reviewing the book as follows. 1. The entire book (with 480 pages in total) consists of twenty chapters and is properly divided into four parts. The logical ordering of these chapters and their sections is excellent with balanced treatment throughout. The book has its unique way in partitioning the vast material in this field that I can not find it in any other books. 2. The fundamental theories and concepts have been contained in the first part (i.e., the first 6 chapters). They are written in a systematically manner ¾ step-by-step, clearly and succinctly. This part lays a solid foundation for the remaining parts of the book. Together with Part III commented in the following, these two parts serve as the foundation of finalized image and video compression standards. 3. The topic of Motion Estimation covered in Part III is a special pre-requisite to video compression. This part is well-written and contains many updated research results. It not only clearly describes the block-matching methodology that has been adopted in all video coding standards, but also covers two intimately related techniques ¾ Pel Recursive and Optical Flow, in order to form a complete treatment and appreciation for the entire 2-D motion estimation methods. In particular, I found that the last chapter of this part (i.e., Chapter 14) is very unique and interesting. It offers insigh
2021-11-02 14:58:00 18.96MB Image Video Compression
此处共享基于状态表的 SPIHT (STS) 图像压缩算法的 MATLAB 文件。 与 SPIHT 相比,STS 算法在压缩效率、复杂度和内存需求方面表现出更好的性能。 即使在更高的比特率下,它也会超过 JPEG2000。
2021-10-13 18:47:11 10KB matlab
矢量压缩 vector_compression库包含一些用于压缩和解压缩 3D 和 4D(单位)向量的函数。 它是为团队参加。 挑战规定在与机器人的通信链路上强制执行 9600 比特/秒的带宽限制,只允许一秒的小突发高带宽通信。 因此,我们必须尽可能地压缩我们希望以更高速率(高达 10Hz)发送的命令和反馈。 虽然通用无损压缩(例如 LZMA)很有用,但您可以使用针对特定任务定制的(有损)压缩例程来实现更高的压缩率和确定性行为。 此类算法最初通常是为 CPU 和 GPU 之间的快速数据传输而开发的,但在这种低带宽情况下也同样有效。 这个小库包含例程 (解)有符号浮点数到/从任意位宽的压缩 (de) 使用将四元数压缩到/从 5 个字节 (de) 使用面心立方堆积 (FCC) 晶格将 3D 向量压缩为任意位宽。 它还包含大多数例程的单元测试。 建造和使用 该库可以构建为 ROS catk
2021-10-07 15:41:57 74KB C++