roundcubemail-1.4.3-complete.tar.gz  使用 网站测试邮件发送与接收。 配置见主页
2022-12-09 01:35:52 3.06MB 电源
一款轻量而功能强大的点云可视化和编辑软件,支持pcd, ply, las等多种格式,轻松打开海量点云数据,支持多方式多字段渲染点云,对点进行方便的查询、量测和编辑,可应用于测绘、高精地图、SLAM等领域。
2022-12-05 11:28:51 29.2MB PCDViewer 点云 可视化 PointCloud
博客 [QT+FFMPEG]使用QT自带的MinGW编译器编译FFMPEG生成LIB库(H264解码) 包含msys2、yasm、ffmpeg-4.3.tar.gz和编译生成的FFMPEG lib库
2022-12-05 10:26:38 84.66MB ffmpeg qt
MLSkin is a skin component under Delphi, inherited based on Delphi standard components, and extends a lot of practical attribute functions for developers to call; in use, there is little difference between the standard VCL components, but the display style is very different, it can easily achieve the effect like QQ skin, and want to change the display The style you want to do is just to reload a picture; most of the components in it can be used alone, without the need to rely on the skin of the form, the display effect can be customized, very flexible; the current set of skin components provides more than 50 common components, more than 20 practical Demo, can be very convenient and quick implementation of you The effect you want. Website Feature: Support one touch skin, you can set the picture and color into the background of the form. The hue, saturation and brightness of the skin can be adjusted arbitrarily. The original picture resource management library can quickly and conveniently manage the pictures needed in the program. The unique image resource attribute supports the direct use of the detailed path of picture ID or local image file to call image resources. Easy to achieve the shadow of the form, the shape of the special form effect, simple to only need to set up two pictures. You can add any number of pictures, buttons and text on the form title bar. Memo, Edit, ListView and other components support transparent background, the border effect can be customized, add the commonly used search box and password input box. Redefined Toolbar, showing very beautiful style, and supporting horizontal and vertical display. Menu beautification, transparent effect, as long as you set up a picture, you can make your menu style different. You can display MainMenu on the title bar and display the location that you can customize. Almost all components can set their display styles individually, and most of the container components can set their Alpha values. It contains several components missing from standard VCL components: ColorButton, SwitchButton, and so on. It provides 20 practical Demo. By learning them, you can quickly make a cool program interface.
2022-12-03 11:16:33 5.92MB delphi
MySQL驱动 mysql-connector-net-6.4.3
2022-11-26 18:15:21 9.99MB MySQL 数据库
2022-11-26 07:19:17 51.64MB OpenCV C++
2022-11-19 10:25:01 410.64MB 西门子PLC
cloudera-manager-el6-cm5.4.3_x86_64 官网已经不能免费下载到了,想要只能花钱,这个是以前自己下载的,现在贡献出来,有需要的可以下载了。当前是centos7 系统下的
2022-11-18 20:23:12 658.82MB cm下载 cloudera-manager cm5.4
应用于计算机和化学领域,可以计算任意分子的相对分子质量,也可以乘以计量数 EG: Input: 2(CuSO4.5H2O) Output:500 注意:使用英文半角输入 符合化学语言 适用于 win10 win11 win7(可能报丢失dol,修复即可) 本文件用python开发,pyinstaller打包,无第三方库,纯原创 关注私信看源码 本文件无需积分(0积分),大家放心下载 如果下载使用时,可恶的360判定病毒,允许程序所有操作(本次操作)即可 放心使用,亲测结果正确,无毒无害 如有BUG,欢迎反馈
2022-11-18 14:29:41 5.61MB 化学 python 算法 实用工具