课题的选择 开题报告的撰写 毕业设计的实施 毕业论文的撰写方法与排版技巧 论文答辩要点与幻灯片的制作方法 抛砖引玉--6个典型毕业设计案例
2022-02-25 11:34:18 15.01MB 计算机专业 毕业设计 计算机 毕业论文
2022-02-24 14:08:07 785KB 2.4GHzPCB天线
The basics of control systems were developed in the first half of the 20th century. Our predecessors aimed a cannon or warmed a bath using many of the same concepts we use. Of course, time and technology have generated many refinements. Digital processors have changed the way we implement a control law, but in many cases they haven’t changed the law itself. Proportional-integral-differential (PID) control works about the same today as it did four or five decades ago. Control systems are broadly used and are thus well integrated into our educational system.Courses are offered at most engineering universities, and a few disciplines even require students to undergo modest training in the subject. Given the longevity of the principles and the number of trained engineers engaged in their use, one might expect most of the trade’s practitioners to be comfortable with the basics. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case.
2022-02-20 17:42:51 23.75MB 控制系统 设计 应用
2022-02-20 12:37:43 4.88MB 可用性 测试
第一章 VHDL语言编写规范 第二章VERILOG语言编写规范 第三章 可编程ASIC设计方法简介 第四章同步电路设计技术及规则 第五章 VHDL数字电路设计指导 第六章 代码可重用性设计
2022-02-19 21:38:56 3.44MB VHDL Verilog FPGA 资料
NAU88C22 NAU88L24 NAU85L40 Audio_ADC数据手册用户设计指导
2022-02-17 09:06:13 9.14MB stm32 arm 嵌入式硬件 单片机
英飞凌 infineon tc2xx 系列 硬件设计指导
2022-02-14 22:02:23 2.61MB stm32 arm 嵌入式硬件 单片机
富士通硬件设计指导 kbc pmu 控制器 用于电源模块管理
2022-02-11 22:01:39 285KB pmu 富士通
2022-02-09 09:04:05 416KB stm32 arm 嵌入式硬件 单片机
2022-01-31 13:09:25 755KB word文档 管理类文档