本书从用户角度全面产阐述了Verilog HDL 语言的重要细节和基本设计方法
2021-09-24 15:16:34 12.03MB verilog HDL 数字电路
经典国外教材《数字设计原理与实践》John F.Wakerly的习题答案,英文版
Verilog HDL是一种硬件描述语言(,以文本形式来描述数字系统硬件的结构和行为的语言,用它可以表示逻辑电路图、逻辑表达式,还可以表示数字逻辑系统所完成的逻辑功能。 Verilog HDL和VHDL是世界上最流行的两种硬件描述语言,都是在20世纪80年代中期开发出来的。前者由Gateway Design Automation公司(该公司于1989年被Cadence公司收购)开发。两种HDL均为IEEE标准。 个人推荐,教材挺好用。
2021-09-15 20:37:18 132.53MB Verilog HDL 国外教材 翻译
目录: 第一章-基本原理 第二章-逻辑门的高速特性 第三章-测量方法 第四章-传输线 第五章-地平面和层堆积 第六章-匹配 第七章-过孔f 第八章-电源系统 第九章-连接器 第十章-带状电缆 第十一章-时钟分发 第十二章-晶体振荡器
2021-09-09 18:07:03 3.24MB 高速 数字设计
Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Number Systems and Codes Chapter 3 Digital Circuits Chapter 4 Combinational Logic Design Principles Chapter 5 Combinational Logic Design Practices Chapter 6 Combinational Design Examples Chapter 7 Sequential Logic Design Principles Chapter 8 Sequential Logic Design Practices Chapter 9 Sequential-Circuit Design Examples
2021-09-02 19:51:06 7.41MB Copyright © 1999 by
2021-08-29 00:58:54 16.85MB FPGA_ASIC高性能数字设计
2021-08-28 14:29:03 7.79MB uvm
本压缩包包括两个pdf文档,分别是《vcs student guide.pdf》和《数字逻辑芯片DV环境搭建.pdf》
2021-08-09 16:41:46 2.64MB vcs user guide 验证环境搭建
夏宇闻译_Verilog_HDL数字设计与综合_夏宇闻译(第二版) ,夏宇闻老师的经典教材。
2021-08-08 19:00:29 13.51MB Verilog_HDL 教材
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Establishing a solid foundation of digital design principles An authoritative introduction to basic digital design, Digital Design: Principles and Practices helps readers build a foundational understanding of theoretical and engineering principles. This book gives readers the opportunity to learn the basics at the high level (HDLs), at the low level (electrical circuits), and throughout the “vast middle” (gates, flip-flops, and higher-level digital-design building blocks). The author’s 30 years of experience in both industrial and university settings brings weight and credibility to the material, and with broad coverage of logic design practices, the 4th Edition gives readers a look at how digital design works in the real world.
2021-08-06 11:08:14 80.44MB 数字设计