【文件格式是Linux下的gz压缩包,在Windows下可以用WinRAR解压】 本人原创的操作系统上机作业(源代码),自己编写一个简单的Linux下的shell(a simple myshell)!原题见William Stallings写的《Operating Systems - Internals and Design Principles》(操作系统--内核与设计原则): The shell must support the following internal commands: cd - change the current default directory to . If the argument is not present, report the current directory. If the directory does not exist an appropriate error should be reported. This command should also change the PWD environment variable. clr - clear the screen. dir - list the contents of directory environ - list all the environment strings echo - display on the display followed by a new line (multiple spaces/tabs may be reduced to a single space) help - display the user manual using the more filter pause - pause operation of the shell until 'Enter' is pressed quit - quit the shell The shell environment should contain shell=/myshell where /myshell is the full path for the shell executable (not a hardwired path back to your directory, but the one from which it was executed)
本资料详细介绍了Nand Flash的工作原理,常见操作(读写,擦除,ECC校验)等及其源代码。由于一般嵌入式书籍很少介绍Nand Flash开发,而Nand Flash的datasheet又令开发新手感到费解,故本资料对于Nand Flash的嵌入式开发很有价值。
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线性参考(Linear Referencing)和动态分段(Dynamic Segmentation)在公路GIS和城市管网、油气管道等行业的应用十分广泛,而对于符合线性参考系的数据的要求以及动态分段技术的具体应用,尤其是开发中的实现,相信许多人都不甚明了。本人一直在做涉及本方面的内容,不敢私藏,拿出几个个人认为经典的资料,回馈论坛:)
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