该模型使用光伏电池来运行驱动空气压缩机的直流电机。 压缩空气然后转动气动马达以运行交流发电机。 由于气动马达错误,系统无法正常运行。 我不确定如何解决此问题以使模型正常工作。 任何建议或改进表示赞赏。 谢谢
2021-08-30 00:27:13 30KB matlab
(7)储能系统 建设漕溪能源转换综合展示基地,实现100kW 磷酸铁锂储能、 100kW 镍氢电池储能和100kW 级钠硫储能系统并网运行。建 设崇明前卫村太阳能光伏电池与10kW 液流储能电池混合储能 系统。实现多种化学储能技术在上海电网的应用,实现储能系 统的远方监视与控制,体现储能技术在智能电网削峰填谷方面 的作用,为推广应用储能技术做好准备。
2021-08-26 14:17:02 1.42MB 智能电网
Abstract—This paper proposes an adaptive optimal policy for hourly operation of an energy storage system (ESS) in a gridconnected wind power company. The purpose is to time shift wind energy to maximize the expected daily profit following uncertainties in wind generation and electricity price. A stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) framework is adopted to formulate this problem, and an objective function approximation method is applied to improve the SDP computational efficiency. Case studies on the Electric Reliability Council of Texas demonstrate that the resultant profits from SDP-based operation policy are considerably higher than those from deterministic policy, and comparable to those from the perfect information model. It is concluded that the presented SDP approach can provide operation policy highly adaptive to uncertainties arising from wind and price. The proposed framework can help the wind company optimally manage its generation with ESS.
2021-08-25 17:05:37 2.03MB 风电场 储能
2021-08-20 18:34:21 232KB 首发论文
2021-08-07 09:05:34 15.9MB PDF