针对雷达辐射源个体识别中特征提取困难和低信噪比下识别率低的问题,从图像角度出发提出了一种基于变分自编码器的雷达辐射源个体识别算法。基于信号时频分析,利用变分自编码器(variational auto-encoder, VAE )提取时频图像的深层特征,并采用核主成分分析(kernel principal component analysis,KPCA)获取特征中的主成分,最后将特征送入支持向量机进行分类识别。仿真结果表明:文中所提算法在识别效率和抗噪声性能等方面均优于其他传统算法。当信噪比(signal-to-noise ratio,SNR)为0 dB时针对6个辐射源进行识别,可获得93%以上的识别率。该算法特征提取简单、系统实时性高,具有较高的工程应用价值。
2021-06-30 13:12:38 1.66MB 小程序
书名《个体软件过程》(introduction to the personal software process)作者:Watts S.Humphrey注:这本书已经绝版,好难找啊!我是在读书园地买到的电子版,分享给需要的朋友
2021-06-15 11:03:49 5.15MB psp 软件工程
《激活个体》 张凯解读.mp3
2021-06-10 14:01:30 8.75MB 《激活个体》张凯解读.mp3
随着高层建筑和智能化建筑的不断出现,人们对高层建筑中垂直交通性能的要求越 来越高。单台电梯已经不能满足这种要求,所以人们在一个建筑物中安装多部电梯。由 此带来的问题是,如何有效的调度各个电梯,使其性能达到最佳,由此便产生了电梯群 控系统,简称(EGCS) 。 电梯的客流交通模式决定了电梯群控系统的调度策略。本文在对电梯群控系统的特 性与评价指标进行深入分析的基础之上,以减少乘客候梯时间、乘梯时间,以及轿厢拥 挤度等为目标,建立了电梯群控系统的多目标派梯算法,进而给出了解决方案。 多目标派梯算法采用基于遗传算法的动态优化策略,在多目标约束条件下搜索最优 的派梯方案。根据调度方法的需要采用整数编码,比采用二进制编码更能直观的表示呼 梯分配情况,便于判断呼梯分配方案是否合理。为了减少遗传算法的计算量,文中采用 了变长染色体编码方式,并在遗传操作过程中采用最优个体保持策略。 最后应用STEP7和WINCC软件建立了虚拟电梯群控仿真环境以模拟实际群控系统 的运行,并测试派梯算法的性能。
This accessible book provides an introduction to the analysis and design of dynamic multiagent networks. Such networks are of great interest in a wide range of areas in science and engineering, including: mobile sensor networks, distributed robotics such as formation flying and swarming, quantum networks, networked economics, biological synchronization, and social networks. Focusing on graph theoretic methods for the analysis and synthesis of dynamic multiagent networks, the book presents a powerful new formalism and set of tools for networked systems. The book's three sections look at foundations, multiagent networks, and networks as systems. The authors give an overview of important ideas from graph theory, followed by a detailed account of the agreement protocol and its various extensions, including the behavior of the protocol over undirected, directed, switching, and random networks. They cover topics such as formation control, coverage, distributed estimation, social networks, and games over networks. And they explore intriguing aspects of viewing networks as systems, by making these networks amenable to control-theoretic analysis and automatic synthesis, by monitoring their dynamic evolution, and by examining higher-order interaction models in terms of simplicial complexes and their applications. The book will interest graduate students working in systems and control, as well as in computer science and robotics. It will be a standard reference for researchers seeking a self-contained account of system-theoretic aspects of multiagent networks and their wide-ranging applications. This book has been adopted as a textbook at the following universities: University of Stuttgart, Germany Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Georgia Tech, USA University of Washington, USA Ohio University, USA
2021-05-07 16:17:45 4.85MB 多个体网络 图理论方法
应急救援物资多目标分配和调度集成优化是灾害应急决策中的一个难点问题.为此, 构建一种面向多储备点、多发放点、多种应 急救援物资的并发分配与调度多目标优化模型, 提出一种基于二维NSGA-II与蚁群优化的混合智能搜索算法.在所提算 法中, 设计二维二进制编码、个体修正策略以解决多发放点之间潜在的应急救援物资 冲突, 并改进蚁群优化中的信息素全局更新策略以实现多个调度路径的同时优化.对比实验 结果表明, 所提出的混合算法可以在合理的时间内给出更高质量的应急救援物资分配和调度方案.
图像识别个体简易计数软件-GUIeditor1_0.m GUIeditor1_0.fig GUIeditor1_0.m wander1.jpg wander2.jpg wander3.jpg 两个程序文件,还有三个示例图片
2021-04-23 18:51:52 8KB matlab
2021-04-22 09:03:28 13.27MB 美容护肤与个体护理行业消费趋势