Application of FPGA to real-time machine learning - hardware reservoir computers and software image processing [Antonik, P.][Springer,][2018] This book lies at the interface of machine learning – a subfield of computer science that develops algorithms for challenging tasks such as shape or image recognition, where traditional algorithms fail – and photonics – the physical science of light, which underlies many of the optical communications technologies used in our information society. It provides a thorough introduction to reservoir computing and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Recently, photonic implementations of reservoir computing (a machine learning algorithm based on artificial neural networks) have made a breakthrough in optical computing possible. In this book, the author pushes the performance of these systems significantly beyond what was achieved before. By interfacing a photonic reservoir computer with a high-speed electronic device (an FPGA), the author successfully interacts with the reservoir computer in real time, allowing him to considerably expand its capabilities and range of possible applications. Furthermore, the author draws on his expertise in machine learning and FPGA programming to make progress on a very different problem, namely the real-time image analysis of optical coherence tomography for atherosclerotic arteries.
2023-04-01 23:22:04 3.69MB FPGA
《ARM 嵌入式系统实验教程(二)》本套教程中的实验课教材之二。
2023-04-01 16:36:52 22.86MB ARM 嵌入式
随着大数据时代的来临,深度学习技术在从海量数据中提取有价值信息方面发挥着重要作用,已被广泛应用于计算机视觉、语音识别及自然语言处理等领域。本文从深度学习算法的特点和发展趋势出发,分析 FPGA 加速深度学习的优势以及技术挑战;其次,从 SoC FPGA 和标准 FPGA 两个方面介绍了 CPU-FPGA 平台,主要对比分析了两种模型在 CPU 和FPGA 之间数据交互上的区别;接下来,在介绍 FPGA 加速深度学习算法的开发环境基础上,重点从硬件结构、设计思路和优化策略这三个方面详细综述了采用 FPGA 加速卷积神经网络的设计方案;最后展望了 FPGA 加速深度学习算法相关研究工作的发展。
2023-04-01 13:00:52 1.17MB
arm例程 嵌入式专用 普中科技版本 含有参考手册和原理图 帮助您更好理解嵌入式,遨游在嵌入式的海洋中!!!
2023-03-31 20:36:11 158.61MB aaa
包括STM32的例程,以及操作系统的例程两项。 万年历,可调式数字时钟,秒表设计,PWM呼吸灯,ADDA,1602显示屏
2023-03-31 19:52:06 104.97MB arm 例程
2023-03-31 12:45:10 4.28MB FPGA 硬件技术 硬件开发 参考文献
ARM编译器版本5(Compiler version 5)
2023-03-30 22:35:17 80.94MB ARM
2023-03-30 20:10:24 87.53MB FPGA JESD204 ADC 永雏塔菲
2023-03-30 20:07:55 2.94MB jesd204b intel fpga ip
CCD是利用光电转换原理把图像信号转换为电信号,即把一幅按空间域分布的光学图像,转换成为一串按时间域分布的视频信号的半导体元器件。因其具有体积小、重量轻、功耗低、灵敏度高、工作稳定、寿命长、自扫描和便于同计算机接口等优点,被广泛应用于图像传感和非接触式测量。CCD应用的关键问题之一,是驱动时序发生器设计。它直接关系到CCD的信号处理能力、转换效率和信噪比等光电转换特征。针对Sony公司面阵CCD ICX098BQ的工作原理和驱动时序的要求,给出了驱动时序发生器的具体设计,使用VHDL语言对驱动时序发生器的实现方案进行了硬件描述,采用Quartus II 8.0对所设计的时序发生器进行了功能仿真,在该驱动时序发生器作用下,对Sony公司ICX98BQ面阵CCD产生的输出信号波形进行了验证。
2023-03-30 19:43:18 566KB FPGA