2021-06-19 14:19:31 5.67MB HCIA-IoT
将城市进行区域划分,形成若 干个管理分区,在单个分区的进水 口和出水口分别安装大口径物联网 水表,同时对分区内的用户安装小 口径NB-IoT智能水表,在水务管理 系统中建立好相关的总分表关系, 利用NB-IoT智能水表实现对DMA管 网水压、流量、夜间用水量等相关 信息的监测,以便对每一个区域进 行漏失定量,从而对漏失进行排名, 为管网查漏提供参考,水司即可准 确、及时地发现漏失点
2021-06-19 09:01:43 4.46MB 智慧水务
智慧社区是智慧城市建设的重要内容,随着我国智慧城市的积极推进与5G 网络技术的日益成熟,我国智慧社区也处于高速建设发展阶段,在政府的积极引导下,许多城市都在积极开展智慧社区建设的探索。但在整体上来说,我国智慧社区目前处于初级发展阶段,存在区域发展不均衡、建设模式不清晰、智慧应用较少、集成化程度较低、数据缺乏管理的问题。在智慧社区的建设目标及理念上,应根据国家政策标准、行业政策标准及智慧社区的整体需求科学制定。中国移动提出四点智慧社区建设目标及理念:一是推动5G 网络基础设施与智能化社区公共设施全面升级,构建信息智能的社区;二是充分利用已有的社区基础资源与数据,整合社区多方利益相关者分散、孤立的社区业务,打造高效运营的社区。三是贯彻以人为本的理念为社区居民提供安全舒适的生活环境及各类便捷的社区生活服务,建设宜居宜业的社区;四是打造社区环境及能源可追溯、可监测、可管理的体系,落实绿色低碳的社区。在智慧社区总体架构上,首先应保证社区的智能化基础设施建设,并利用中国移动5G 网络、NB-IoT 物联网及固网资源优势,打造泛在感知、泛在连接的社区。在平台层方面,结合中国移动自有的云MAS 消息平台、OneNet 物联网平台、大数据平台及其他通用平台,打造高度集成的综合一体化智慧社区平台。在社区的智慧应用与场景方面,根据中国移动信息智能、高效运营、宜居宜业、绿色低碳的社区建设目标及理念,面向政府、物业、居民、商户等各方利益相关者打造各类丰富的应用,全面赋能智慧社区的建设与运营。最后,我国的智慧社区建设总体上还是处于起步阶段,中国移动提出“设施升级、系统升级、数据升级”的建议,通过智慧社区建设,以社区为突破点以点带面,最终实现我国智慧城市、智慧社会的建设。
2021-06-18 18:01:53 833KB 智慧社区 智慧城市 5G NB-IOT
The Internet of Things is the latest rising star in the information and communications technology industry. It embodies the vision of connecting virtually anything with everything and builds on a global growth of the overall number of connected devices. To support, and perhaps further boost, this growth the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards development organization has in its Release 13 developed three new technologies known as Extended Coverage GSM Internet of Things (EC-GSM-IoT), LTE for Machine-Type Communications (LTE-M), and Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) dedicated to providing cellular services to a massive number of IoT devices. This book sets out to introduce, characterize, and, when relevant, in detail describe these three new technologies, defining a new concept known as the Cellular Internet of Things. To start with, Chapter 1 introduces the overall content of the book. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the accomplishments of 3GPP in the field of Machine-Type Communications until Release 13. Chapters 3, 5, and 7 describe the design objectives as well as the technical foundations of EC-GSM-IoT, LTE-M, and NB-IoT. Both physical layer details and idle and connected mode procedures are presented. Chapters 4, 6, and 8 go through the performance objectives of the three technologies and present extensive evaluation results in terms of coverage, throughput, latency, battery lifetime, system capacity, and device complexity. The details behind each of these performance objectives including the methodologies for evaluating them are presented. Chapter 9 summarizes the findings of the earlier chapters and describes the merits of the three technologies and provides a comparison between them. The chapter also introduces a set of solutions for short- and long-range communications operating in unlicensed frequency bands. The advantages of licensed operation over unlicensed operation are highlighted. Finally, Chapter 10 gives a glance of how the
2021-06-18 12:04:02 20.95MB IoT Cellular
Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies, Applications, Challenges and Solutions 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-06-18 11:54:49 13.06MB Internet Things Technologies Applications
[21页]华为云AI与5G、 IoT 、AR融合,激发人工智能新潜能-华为罗华霖.pdf
2021-06-18 09:02:23 2.19MB 人工智能 5G AIOT
2021-06-17 18:02:24 173.45MB IOT固件开发
2021-06-16 16:58:34 103KB iot coap qt QtC++
2021-06-16 16:10:43 7.17MB 中国电信物联网开放平台 nb-iot