2021-11-26 14:42:03 10.7MB MCS-51单片机应用设计
本书较详细地论述了信号的线性检测、假设检验理论、已知信号的检测,随机信号的检测、色高斯噪声中信号的检测、序列检测、恒虚警处理、非参量检测以及在线性处理时信号参量的估计和信号参量估计的一般理论等。 本书可作为电子工程专业及相关专业的研究生教材,也可作为相关专业本科高年级学生的选修课教材,还可供雷达、声纳、通信等有关专业的科研、工程技术人员参考使用。
2021-11-26 13:56:42 4.69MB 信号检测
2021-11-26 13:30:59 5.16MB sas 统计分析
本书包含了Java 2语言参考、Java 2 API参考和Java 2编程指南等主要内容,详细介绍了Java 2的核心技术、Java 2 API类和接口的用法。
2021-11-26 06:19:30 32.31MB Java教程 Java电子书 Java培训 Javaweb
Oracle Database 11g:数据库管理-课堂练习 II 学生指南第1册
2021-11-25 13:29:36 7.15MB Oracle
哈利波特与密室 英文版电子书 C H A P T E O N E THE WORST BIRTHDAY Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet Drive. Mr. Vernon Dursley had been woken in the early hours of the morning by a loud, hooting noise from his nephew Harry's room. "Third time this week!" he roared across the table. "If you can't control that owl, it'll have to go!" Harry tried, yet again, to explain. "She's bored," he said. "She's used to flying around outside. If I could just let her out at night -" "Do I look stupid?" snarled Uncle Vernon, a bit of fried egg dangling from his bushy mustache. "I know what'll happen if that owl's let out." He exchanged dark looks with his wife, Petunia. Harry tried to argue back but his words were drowned by a long, loud belch from the Dursleys' son, Dudley. "There's more in the frying pan, sweetums," said Aunt Petunia, turning misty eyes on her massive son. "We must build you up while we've got the chance .... I don't like the sound of that school food ...... "Nonsense, Petunia, I never went hungry when I was at Smeltings," said Uncle Vernon heartily. "Dudley gets enough, don't you, son?" Dudley, who was so large his bottom drooped over either side of the kitchen chair, grinned and turned to Harry. "Pass the frying pan." "You've forgotten the magic word," said Harry irritably. The effect of this simple sentence on the rest of the family was incredible: Dudley gasped and fell off his chair with a crash that shook the whole kitchen; Mrs. Dursley gave a small scream and clapped her hands to her mouth; Mr. Dursley jumped to his feet, veins throbbing in his temples. "I meant `please'!" said Harry quickly. "I didn't mean -" "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU," thundered his uncle, spraying spit over the table, "ABOUT SAYING THE `M' WORD IN OUR HOUSE?" "But I -" "HOW DARE YOU THREATEN DUDLEY!" roared Uncle Vernon, pounding the table with his fist. "I just -" "I WARNED YOU! I WILL NOT TOLERATE MENTION OF YO
2021-11-25 00:02:16 632KB 哈利波特 密室 英文版 电子书
涵盖VB学习中所有的教程 以及源码 实例,欢迎大家使用
2021-11-24 16:17:38 1.79MB VB教程 VB电子书
图书《设计模式:基于C#的工程化实现及扩展》 作 者: 王翔 著 本书立意明确,除了告诉你问题的类型与解法,还提供了可以立即演绎的程序代码,相信这本案头的工具书可以提供你一个不错的思维模式,帮你造就有弹性、能扩充、易维护的软件实体。本书主要针对对C#语言和.NET Framework平台有一定了解或有一定应用经验的用户,尤其适于那些希望运用模式技术在设计和开发方面多应对些挑战的用户。
2021-11-24 10:05:07 2.12MB 设计模式 电子书
2021-11-23 19:58:16 5.52MB MATLAB DSP 数字信号处理
计算机视觉圣经, 计算机视觉中的多视图几何 中文版, 高清扫描版带完整目录 计算机视觉是一门研究如何使机器“看”的科学,更进一步的说,就是是指用摄影机和电脑代替人眼对目标进行识别、跟踪和测量等机器视觉,并进一步做图形处理,使电脑处理成为更适合人眼观察或传送给仪器检测的图像。
2021-11-23 17:49:17 58.07MB 计算机视觉 电子书