2022-03-15 15:19:31 37.69MB EOS 普元 Platform JUD
Telerik_Reporting 帮助文档
2022-03-15 15:06:12 18.29MB Telerik Reporting
为 Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 开发人员新增的内容 请参阅 特性 Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 Visual Basic 对象模型中已做了大量更改,以支持应用程序中新增和经过改进的功能。 请访问 MSDN Online 上的 Office Developer Center 以获取最新的 Microsoft PowerPoint 开发信息,包括新技术文章、下载、示例、产品新闻以及更多信息。 新的语言元素 以下主题提供 PowerPoint 2002 中新增的语言元素的列表。 新的对象 新的属性(按对象排序) 新的属性(按字母顺序) 新的方法(按对象排序) 新的方法(按字母顺序) 新的事件 与语言相关的属性和方法
2022-03-15 00:24:20 931KB ppt vba
呵呵,本人自己做的arcengine9.2软件开发包帮助文档使用视频,适合初级入门者,不懂得如和使用英文帮助文档的。 先唠叨两句自己的心得体会:在开始学习的时候不要有畏惧感觉,一看到英文帮助文档,好家伙,那么庞大,就已经令人头晕不 悬了,其实,没必要,那些英文我们大都掌握了,在查阅的时候可以用英文字典帮帮忙,我用的是金山词霸。英文帮助文档不是要我们整个都看下来,一是我们没那么多时间和精力,二是几乎也没有人有那个耐心从头到尾真正详详细细的看一遍。这仅需要我们掌握帮助文档的整体框架,它是如何组织的数据,如何获取代码,示例。代码引用的库文件在哪里可以找到、各个接口怎么用的等就可以了!! 由于在录像时设置的分辨率太高,机子卡的比较厉害,还请大家见谅,,
2022-03-14 20:46:23 13.47MB arcengine 帮助文档 使用示例 教材
PrefaceOver the last few years, web development has turned a very important corner. Gone are the days when Java™ developers wrestled with a single JSP that contained presentation logic, database access via SQL, and navigational intelligence. Java web developers have learned from their mistakes, paid the price in debugging and maintenance time, and moved on.The number and variety of readily available web frameworks today is immense. It's hard to point a browser at a Java technical site without finding a newly released web framework that's going to revolutionize the modern world. While some may see this as a bad thing that might divide the Java community, the truth is that the constant emergence of new frameworks is just evolution at work.The design and construction of today's nontrivial web applications pushes developers to the limit of what's logically and physically possible. Myriad solutions are thrown at the problems these applications present. Some of the solutions stick, and as with human evolution, valuable characteristics are passed on in future generations of software. Other solutions do not—those that fail to serve the needs of users and add value usually fall by the wayside.Through this evolutionary process, the Jakarta Struts framework (created by Craig R. McClanahan and donated to the Apache Software Foundation in 2000) has emerged as one of the best web frameworks available. This book covers Version 1.1, which contains many major enhancements over the previous Jakarta Struts release. If you are building applications, web-based or not, one of the main things you will learn from this book is that frameworks such as Struts are a great time investment.
2022-03-14 13:00:20 1.72MB 3dmax struts 中文 帮助
2022-03-13 13:33:01 7.66MB vfp vf
天思 ERP系统 操作帮助
2022-03-12 15:32:50 2.69MB 天思 ERP系统
单片机 AVR studio 软件联机帮组中文版的
2022-03-12 10:31:22 13.76MB AVR studio 帮助
2022-03-11 20:09:15 60KB NSFC
2022-03-11 19:42:47 49B 帮助文档 CHM DevExpress