这是使用ITK和VTK进行体渲染的测试 ITK擅长DICOM图像操作,而VTK则可以渲染出优秀的体积效果。 虽然VTK可以读取一些 DICOM 图像,但压缩的 DIMCOM 是无法读取的。 这就是为什么在 DICOM 图像操作上通常将ITK和VTK结合在一起。 可以在VTK wiki 中找到简单的 DICOM 图像读写示例。 此测试显示如何使用ITK读取 DICOM 串行图像,然后使用VTK渲染卷。 编程环境 ** 操作系统 ** - OS X 10.10 ** 工具链 ** - CMake 3.1.3、GDB 7.8 ** VTK 版本 ** - VTK 6.2.rc1 ** ITK 版本 ** - ITK 4.7.1 VTK的编译 ** BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ** - 开启 ** CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ** - 发布 ** CMAKE_INSTALL_
2021-11-15 17:25:42 5KB C++
程序是在vc++2005上运行通过的,在vc6上运行有问题,不过只需要修改输出部分,应该还是可以的。 此外,在vc2005上运行时,由于WaitForMultiObjects函数只能等待64个线程,因此,只要生产者和消费者总数不超过64个就没问题,实际上,即使超过64个线程,通过修改WaitForMultiObjects函数等待对象个数为64,也是可以运行的。我测试了很多次,包括极端的情况(比如1000个生产者1个消费者或者相反的情形),没有问题。 如果需要帮助,可以和我联系。 操作系统中典型的同步问题,m个生产者,n个消费者链接在具有k个单位缓冲区的有界环形缓冲区上,生产者和消费者是并发线程,只要缓冲区未满,生产者线程就可以生产一件产品放入其中,只要缓冲区不空,消费者就可以从中取出一件产品消费。
2021-11-15 17:10:45 4KB 生产者消费者 操作系统 OS C/C++
在 Big Sur 及一下版本测试通过, 不受MacOS 版本限制,java运行时 JDK1.6。在10.13,10.14,10.15,11.0,等版本上都以验证。
2021-11-15 16:17:47 48.73MB jdk1.6 macos 10.15 11
用来做操作系统实验可以使用,在RedHat9上面实现交叉编译 用来做操作系统实验可以使用,在RedHat9上面实现交叉编译
2021-11-15 15:31:00 311KB OS 操作系统 NachOS
MODERN OPERATING SYSTEMS THIRD EDITION The third edition of this book differs from the second edition in numerous ways. To start with, the chapters have been reordered to place the central material at the beginning. There is also now more of a focus on the operating system as the creator of abstractions. Chapter 1, which has been heavily updated, introduces all the concepts. Chapter 2 is about the abstraction of the CPU into multiple processes. Chapter 3 is about the abstraction of physical memory into address spaces (virtual memory). Chapter 4 is about the abstraction of the disk into files. Together, processes, virtual address spaces, and files are the key concepts that operating systems provide, so these chapters are now placed earlier than they previously had been. Chapter 1 has been heavily modified and updated in many places. For example, an introduction to the C programming language and the C run-time model is given for readers familiar only with Java. In Chapter 2, the discussion of threads has been revised and expanded reflecting their new importance. Among other things, there is now a section on IEEE standard Pthreads. Chapter 3, on memory management, has been reorganized to emphasize the idea that one of the key functions of an operating system is to provide the abstraction of a virtual address space for each process. Older material on memory management in batch systems has been removed, and the material on the implementation of paging has been updated to focus on the need to make it handle the larger address spaces now common and also the need for speed. Chapters 4-7 have been updated, with older material removed and some new material added. The sections on current research in these chapters have been rewritten from scratch. Many new problems and programming exercises have been added. Chapter 8 has been updated, including some material on multicore systems. A whole new section on virtualization technology, hypervisors, and virtual machines, has been add
2021-11-15 13:32:57 7.07MB OS programming
少的朋友喜爱自制PC状态监测/RouterOS并口液晶屏用来实时显示CPU占用率、内存剩余、网络流量和C 息等,很常见的选用字符型液晶屏,其优点有:规格众多,字符数从8×2到20×4;结构简单,采用8位并行数据总线;技术成熟,全部采用日立HD47780兼容控制芯片;通用性强 液晶屏的16针接口几乎全部相同。
2021-11-13 21:05:43 1.98MB ROS LCD20X2 RouterOS LCD软路由
嵌入式实时操作系统ucos led显示 lpc2131
2021-11-13 15:17:24 4.02MB uc/os 基础设计 led显示
2021-11-13 11:37:15 227KB ucosii os_cfg
Excelsior JET Maven插件 怡东JET Maven插件提供了Maven的用户提供了一个简单的方法来编写其应用到优化的原生Windows,Mac OS X或Linux可执行文件与 。 这样的预编译应用程序启动并且通常运行更快,并且不依赖于JRE,并且像使用C ++编写一样难以逆向工程。 基本用法 当前版本的插件支持四种类型的应用程序: 普通Java SE应用程序,定义为以下应用程序:(a)可以在常规java启动器的命令行上显式列出的所有依赖项下运行: java [-cp依赖性列表] main-class和(b)主要从以下类加载类列出的罐子 Spring Boot应用程序,打包到Spring Boot可执行jar或war文件中(自Excelsior JET 15.3起), -可以部署到Apache Tomcat应用程序服务器的.war文件, 可从非JVM语言调用的调用动态
2021-11-13 03:54:11 1.11MB Java
Mac os 下的安装镜像,亲测可用,直接拖到安装文件夹即可使用
2021-11-12 22:41:21 5.37MB MySQL