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2021-06-15 17:39:49 1.27MB CPU型号
该文件是intel I219-lm网络适配器的驱动程序源码,适用于在Linux下使用,主要是编译安装,压缩包内有源码程序和说明文件
2021-06-14 20:50:50 323KB Linux系统网卡驱动 intelI219-lm驱动
Intel 虚拟化技术文档。前面有个1.2版的。这个更新一些。
2021-06-13 23:07:07 870KB VTech Direct IO
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2021-06-12 01:15:36 14.8MB 汇编语言
The essential skill of creating and maintaining new businesses—the art of the entrepreneur—can be summed up in a single word: managing. Born of Grove’s experiences at one of America’s leading technology companies, High Output Management is equally appropriate for sales managers, accountants, consultants, and teachers, as well as CEOs and startup founders. Grove covers techniques for creating highly productive teams, demonstrating methods of motivation that lead to peak performance—throughout, High Output Management is a practical handbook for navigating real-life business scenarios and a powerful management manifesto with the ability to revolutionize the way we work
2021-06-11 23:45:07 4.16MB High Output Management Intel
INTEL S2600CP双路主板 加入NVME BIOS 没有测试 谨慎下载
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intel 黑苹果网卡开机自动联网
2021-06-11 13:00:39 285KB 黑苹果intel网卡自动联网
在网上找了很久才找到,不知道那种无道德底线的人卖那么贵,怎么不去抢呢,真不要脸,Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE_2013.lic
2021-06-10 20:57:41 742B ivf2013.lic lic intel2013.lic