2017/07/29 更新 1. 安装原版软件:Source Insight Version 4.0.0086 2. 替换原主程序:sourceinsight4.exe 3. 导入授权文件(Import a new license file):si4.pediy.lic 本次更新主要解决了Windows系统用户名含日文或中文等非ANSI字符时,创建“工程/项目”列表或打开“工程/项目”报错的问题。 Patched sourceinsight4.exe:
2021-11-12 22:23:15 22.28MB source insight
2021-11-12 08:02:53 26.58MB ethercat ssc
Source Insight4.0完美破解,内附安装软件,破解文件和破解说明,亲测有效
2021-11-11 19:58:06 21.18MB Source Insight4.0
包含字体及.xml的配置文件,SI4.0版本以下的不支持, 看图: http://img.blog.csdn.net/20171025174315600?watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvYWNlaGo=/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/SouthEast
2021-11-11 17:59:56 7.65MB 4.0;主题
获取硬件信息的控件,支持delphi10.3 rio TMiTeC_SystemInfo将以下所有组件收集在一起,以方便使用 TMiTeC_AD探索ActiveDirectory TMiTeC_APM提供有关高级电源管理的信息 TMiTeC_BT使用本机蓝牙枚举器检测蓝牙设备) TMiTeC_CPU提供详细的CPU信息 TMiTeC_Devices提供Windows设备管理器之类的设备信息 TMiTeC_Disk提供逻辑驱动器信息 TMiTeC_Display提供显示适配器信息 TMiTeC_DMA提供直接的内存访问权限 TMiTeC_DriveContent扫描并保存指定的驱动器内容 TMiTeC_Engines提供有关各种已安装引擎的信息 TMiTeC_EventLog从Windows EventLog中提取信息 TMiTeC_Firewall枚举Windows防火墙中的设置和规则,规则管理功能 TMiTeC_Machine提供有关计算机或虚拟机,BIOS,TPM等的信息。 TMiTeC_Media提供媒体设备信息 TMiTeC_Memory提供内存信息 TMiTeC_Monitor提供所有已连接的监视器信息 TMiTeC_MSProduct检测到已安装的某些Microsoft产品及其产品密钥 TMiTeC_MUS检测可用的Windows更新(MicrosoftUpdateSession) TMiTeC_Network提供网卡信息,TCP / IP广告Winsock配置,已安装的协议,客户端和服务。 TMiTeC_OperatingSystem提供OS详细信息,区域设置,时区,NT特定信息,修补程序,Internet设置等。 TMiTeC_Printers检测已安装的打印机及其属性 TMiTeC_ProcessList收集正在运行的进程,服务,驱动程序和窗口及其属性的列表 TMiTeC_Security检测已安装的防病毒,防间谍软件和防火墙 TMiTeC_SMBIOS从内存中读取SMBIOS信息 TMiTeC_Software提供已安装软件的列表 TMiTeC_Startup提供在系统启动期间启动的应用程序的列表 TMiTeC_Storage可检测S-ATA,ATA,ATAPI,RAID,SCSI,USB,Firewire存储设备及其参数 TMiTeC_USB检测USB端口和设备及其参数 TMiTeC_WIFI会检测所有可用参数的可用Wi-Fi网络 每当将任何USB,火线等设备或卷连接到计算机或与计算机断开连接时,TMiTeC_DeviceMonitor都会检测并触发事件。 TMiTeC_DiskMonitor监视指定的驱动器或路径,并在发生指定事件时触发事件 TProcMonThread 通过其进程IDentifier监视给定的进程,并提供基本的进程属性,内存,CPU和I / O进程使用率,并枚举进程线程及其运行时属性。 TProcListMonThread 实时监视正在运行的进程,并提供进程属性,内存和CPU进程使用率等。 TSysMonThread监视系统并提供基本属性以及CPU,内存和磁盘使用情况 TSysModListMonThread实时监视系统模块并提供其属性 TNetConMonThread通过进程实时监视网络连接并提供其属性 TPerfMonThread实时监视性能计数器并提供其属性 THndListMonThread实时监视系统句柄并提供其属性 TMiTeC_NetCreds提供缓存的网络凭据枚举。 TMiTeC_USBHistory USB使用率检测组件 TMiTeC_WLANC已知的Wi-Fi网络枚举(包括网络密钥)
2021-11-11 14:51:49 7.99MB MiTeC delphi rio 硬盘码
水槽尾源 一个器,它使用来拖尾文件并将每一行作为事件提交。 示例配置 ... agent.sources.tailSource.type = uk.co.probablyfine.flume.TailerSource agent.sources.tailSource.filePath = /var/tmp/test.txt ... 唯一需要的参数是指向源文件的filePath 。 安装 使用mvn package创建一个 jar 并将其包含在水槽目录中。 执照 麻省理工学院
2021-11-11 14:37:44 8KB Java
Source Insight3.0安装包,里面自带注册码
2021-11-10 22:33:53 3.11MB Source Insight
This is the fifth edition of a one-of-a-kind engineering reference book covering the past, present, and future of mechanisms and mechanical devices. It includes clear illustrations and straightforward descriptions of specific subjects rather than the theory and mathematics found in most engineering textbooks. You will find that this book contains hundreds of detailed line drawings that will hold your interest regardless of your background in mechanical engineering. The text accompanying the illustrations is intended to help you to understand the basic concepts of subjects that may or may not be familiar to you. You will find drawings and illustrations that are simply interesting and informative and perhaps others that could spur your creativity and prompt you to recycle them into your new designs or redesigns. They may offer solutions you had not previously considered because they were not visible inside contemporary products unless the product is disassembled. Solid state electronics and computer circuitry have displaced many earlier mechanical solutions, no doubt improving product reliability and efficiency while reducing their price. Nevertheless, many of those displaced mechanical components have lives of their own and may very well turn up in other products in different form performing different functions after undergoing dimensional and material transformations. Classical, proven mechanisms and mechanical devices may seem to disappear only to reappear in other forms and applications. Anyone who believes that all mechanisms will be replaced by electronics need only examine the sophistication of the latest self-winding mechanical watches, digital cameras, gyro-stabilized vehicles, and navigational systems. This book illustrates the ongoing importance of classical mechanical devices as well as the latest mechatronic devices formed by the merger between mechanics and electronics. It is a must addition to your personal technical library, and it offers you a satisfy
2021-11-10 20:08:49 28.4MB Mechanisms and Mechanical
是功能强大的Delphi VCL组件,Next Inspector是现代对象检查器组件,具有许多新的创新项目类型NextGrid是快速,现代且易于使用的Delphi(VCL)网格组件。 Next DBGrid是快速,现代且易于使用的Delphi(VCL)DBGrid组件。两种视图样式和数十种列类型。Next Collection是几十个(以及更多计划中的)便捷,扩展和高度可定制的组件集。 适用版本 :Delphi 6 - XE 11 包含控件 :NextGrid6, NextDBGrid6, NextInspector6, NextLayout6, Next Collection 6, Next Editors 6 完整源码 :是 内含Demo :是
2021-11-10 19:04:16 4.17MB NextSuite Delphi
强大的老牌富文本编辑控件! 适用版本:D4-RAD10.4 内含源码:是 内含Demo:是
2021-11-10 19:04:16 95.92MB Delphi RichView