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Elias M.Stein、RamiShakarchi所著的《复分析》由在国际上享有盛誉普林斯大林顿大学教授Stein等撰写而成,是一部为数学及相关专业大学二年级和三年级学生编写的教材,理论与实践并重。为了便于数学专业的学生学习,全书内容简明、易懂,读者只需掌握微积分和线性代数知识。本书已被哈佛大学和加利福尼亚理工学院选为教材。 仅供个人学习使用。
2021-11-01 08:49:30 2.37MB 复分析 英文 Stein Complex
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Program design foundation-c programming experiment Description: Experiment 1 and 2 are both electronic lab reports. The following 8 experiments are paper lab reports. Experiment 1 computer basic operation The experiment purpose Familiar with computer, can be able to operate correctly, turn off operation. Be familiar with the keyboard, grasp the input of all characters on the keyboard, master the correct fingering, can carry on the middle, English switch. To understand the operating system concept, master the basic operation of Windows XP, and can use the "control panel" to set up some parameters. You will know the function of "recycle station", learn the basic operation of files and folders. It learns to search or find relevant files or folders on a computer, and master the use of wildcards. The experiment content, Familiar with the computer, familiar with the keyboard, the translation of input in English. The essay learns to enter with the correct fingering, knowing the input of all characters on the keyboard. The "control panel" is used to modify the system time, desktop background, and mouse properties. To create a new folder on the desktop, the folder is named after the student's own name + class +. Use a text or Word document to write a self-introduction that contains no less than 300 words and is named and saved in the above folder. The group copies the above folder to 22. Experiment 2 common software basic operation The experiment purpose Understanding Word function, the basic operation of Word, including the header/footer setting, the column, the page setting, adding the base line etc. 2 learn to file save and open, the interval of print preview, paragraphs, the first character position change, etc., can insert images, forms, art words in the Word, special symbols, etc. (3) understand the function of Excel, master the basic operation of the Excel, including cell properties of several kinds of filling form, the ce 发表评论 Program design foundation-c progra
2021-10-28 18:58:17 9.08MB 英文书籍