The directory contains the MATLAB codes implementing a reverberant speech enhancement algorithm proposed in
Mingyang Wu and DeLiang Wang, 揂 two-stage algorithm for enhancement of reverberant speech,?IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2005.
Mingyang Wu and DeLiang Wang, 揂 Two-stage Algorithm for One-microphone Reverberant Speech Enhancement,?accepted and appearing in July, 2006 IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing.
|-- sample.m A sample program to load and process the data, and output the results
|-- data Raw data file
| |-- sample.mat A data file containing raw speech data
|-- wav The result
| |-- org.wav Clean speech
| |-- rev.wav Reverberant speech
| |-- inv.wav Inverse filtered speech
| |-- derev.wav Processed speech
|-- readme.txt This file