Pthreads Programming久负盛名的Linux刷线程书籍集合,如果你是Linux开发者,对你一定很有用。
2021-11-17 16:40:05 9.71MB Pthreads_Programming
2021-11-17 16:26:34 5.61MB 语言 高并发
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2021-11-17 14:25:00 263.96MB programming python中文版
Programming Massively Parallel Processors 2nd Edition,深入学习CUDA的经典教材。
2021-11-17 00:18:45 21.4MB CUDA Parallel Computing GPU
Building your own electronic devices is fascinating fun and this book helps you enter the world of autonomous but connected devices. After an introduction to the Arduino board, you'll end up learning some skills to surprise yourself. Overview Use Arduino boards in your own electronic hardware & software projects Sense the world by using several sensory components with your Arduino boards Create tangible and reactive interfaces with your computer Discover a world of creative wiring and coding fun! In Detail Physical computing allows us to build interactive physical systems by using software & hardware in order to sense and respond to the real world. C Programming for Arduino will show you how to harness powerful capabilities like sensing, feedbacks, programming and even wiring and developing your own autonomous systems. C Programming for Arduino contains everything you need to directly start wiring and coding your own electronic project. You’ll learn C and how to code several types of firmware for your Arduino, and then move on to design small typical systems to understand how handling buttons, leds, LCD, network modules and much more. After running through C/C++ for the Arduino, you'll learn how to control your software by using real buttons and distance sensors and even discover how you can use your Arduino with the Processing framework so that they work in unison. Advanced coverage includes using Wi-Fi networks and batteries to make your Arduino-based hardware more mobile and flexible without wires. If you want to learn how to build your own electronic devices with powerful open-source technology, then this book is for you. What you will learn from this book Understand what an Arduino board is Sense the world through a variety of digital inputs Feel the world with analog sensors Design a visual output feedback system Use Max6 and Processing with Arduino Connect your Arduino to wired and wireless networks Add GPS localisation modules to your Arduino Approach Writte
2021-11-16 11:08:25 10.77MB C Programming Arduino
2021-11-15 19:14:03 862KB The C Programming Language
本书是被誉为UNIX编程“圣经”的Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment一书的更新版。在本书第1版出版后的十几年中,UNIX行业已经有了巨大的变化,特别是影响UNIX编程接口的有关标准变化很大。本书在保持了前一版的风格的基础上,根据最新的标准对内容进行了修订和增补,反映了最新的技术发展。书中除了介绍UNIX文件和目录、标准I/O库、系统数据文件和信息、进程环境、进程控制、进程关系、信号、线程、线程控制、守护进程、各种I/O、进程间通信、网络IPC、伪终端等方面的内容,还在此基础上介绍了多个应用示例,包括如何创建数据库函数库以及如何与网络打印机通信等。此外,还在附录中给出了函数原型和部分习题的答案。
2021-11-15 19:12:04 6.42MB Programming Unix
讲解如何通过TASKING 创建一个支持英飞凌芯片的多核例程,讲解细致到位,值得参考和借鉴。推荐大家下载,如需相关英飞凌资源也可以直接私信我,欢迎沟通!!!!
2021-11-15 16:33:44 1.4MB AURIX Multicore 英飞凌 多核开发
本书是由C语言的设计者Brian W. Kernighan和Dennis M. Ritchie编写的一部介绍标准C语言及其程序设计方法的权威性经典著作。全面、系统地讲述了C语言的各个特性及程序设计的基本方法,包括基本概念、类型和表达式、控制流、函数与程序结构、指针与数组、结构、输入与输出、UNIX系统接口、标准库等内容。 本书的讲述深入浅出,配合典型例证,通俗易懂,实用性强,适合作为大专院校计算机专业或非计算机专业的C语言教材,也可以作为从事计算机相关软硬件开发的技术人员的参考书。 在计算机发展的历史上,没有哪一种程序设计语言像C语言这样应用如此广泛。   本书原著 即为C语言的设计者之一Dennis M.Ritchie和著名的计算机科学家Brian W.Kernighan合著的 一本介绍C语言的权威经典著作。我们现在见到的大量论述C语言程序设计的教材和专著均以 此书为蓝本。原著第1版中介绍的C语言成为后来广泛使用的C语言版本—— 标准C的基础。人们熟知的“hell, World”程序就是由本书首次引入的,现在,这一程序已经成为所有程序设 计语言入门的第一课。 原著第2版根据1987年制定的ANSIC标准做了适当的修订.引入了最新的语言形式,并增加了新的示例,通过简洁的描述、典型的示例,作者全面、系统、准确地讲述了C语言的各 个特性以及程序设计的基本方法。对于计算机从业人员来说,本书是一本必读的程序设计语 言方面的参考书。
MODERN OPERATING SYSTEMS THIRD EDITION The third edition of this book differs from the second edition in numerous ways. To start with, the chapters have been reordered to place the central material at the beginning. There is also now more of a focus on the operating system as the creator of abstractions. Chapter 1, which has been heavily updated, introduces all the concepts. Chapter 2 is about the abstraction of the CPU into multiple processes. Chapter 3 is about the abstraction of physical memory into address spaces (virtual memory). Chapter 4 is about the abstraction of the disk into files. Together, processes, virtual address spaces, and files are the key concepts that operating systems provide, so these chapters are now placed earlier than they previously had been. Chapter 1 has been heavily modified and updated in many places. For example, an introduction to the C programming language and the C run-time model is given for readers familiar only with Java. In Chapter 2, the discussion of threads has been revised and expanded reflecting their new importance. Among other things, there is now a section on IEEE standard Pthreads. Chapter 3, on memory management, has been reorganized to emphasize the idea that one of the key functions of an operating system is to provide the abstraction of a virtual address space for each process. Older material on memory management in batch systems has been removed, and the material on the implementation of paging has been updated to focus on the need to make it handle the larger address spaces now common and also the need for speed. Chapters 4-7 have been updated, with older material removed and some new material added. The sections on current research in these chapters have been rewritten from scratch. Many new problems and programming exercises have been added. Chapter 8 has been updated, including some material on multicore systems. A whole new section on virtualization technology, hypervisors, and virtual machines, has been add
2021-11-15 13:32:57 7.07MB OS programming