algorithm design by Jon Kleinberg epub 版
2021-06-27 22:47:57 3.82MB 算法
A novel macroblock-tree algorithm for high-performance optimization of.pdf
2021-06-27 09:06:34 2.86MB x264
层次聚类matlab代码层次聚类算法 matlab代码,采用了单链接,完全链接和平均链接算法的层次聚类算法。
2021-06-26 21:24:33 5KB 系统开源
Clever Algorithms Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes by Jason Brownlee 这本书提供了一本来自元动脉学、生物启发计算和计算智能领域的算法食谱手册,这些食谱以完整、一致和集中的方式进行了描述。这些标准化描述经过精心设计,便于访问、可用和易于理解。本书中描述的算法大多最初受到生物和自然系统的启发,如遗传进化和后天免疫系统的适应能力,以及鸟类、蜜蜂、蚂蚁和细菌的觅食行为。这本书是百科全书算法参考,专供研究科学家、工程师、学生和感兴趣的业余爱好者使用。每个算法描述都提供 Ruby 编程语言中的工作代码示例。 by Jason Brownlee
2021-06-26 20:02:18 3.03MB 算法 Algorithm Programming 编程
Python中的群智能(遗传算法,粒子群优化,模拟退火,蚁群算法,免疫算法,Python中的人工鱼群算法) 文档: : 文档: : 源代码: : 帮助我们改善scikit-opt 安装 pip install scikit-opt 对于当前的开发人员版本: git clone cd scikit-opt pip install . 特征 功能1:UDF UDF (用户定义的函数)现在可用! 例如,您刚刚制定了一种新型的selection功能。 现在,您的selection功能如下所示: ->演示代码: # step1: define your own operator: def selection_tournament ( algorithm , tourn_size ): Fi
Delaunay Mesh Generation - Cheng, Dey, Shewchuk
2021-06-24 02:03:10 5.27MB algorithm
The Log-Structured Merge-Tree (LSM-Tree).pdf
2021-06-22 20:03:40 120KB algorithm
Multi-AUV Hunting Algorithm Based on Bio-inspired Neural Network in Unknown
2021-06-22 17:08:05 1.55MB 人工智能
This is a fast MLCS algorithm for DNA sequence. Searching the Longest Common Subsequences of many sequences is called a Multiple Longest Common Subsequence (MLCS) problem which is a very fundamental and challenging problem in many fields of data mining. The existing algorithms cannot not applicable to problems with long and large-scale sequences due to their huge time and space consumption. To efficiently handle large-scale MLCS problems, a Path Recorder Directed Acyclic Graph (PRDAG) model and a novel Path Recorder Algorithm (PRA) are proposed.
2021-06-22 15:43:48 2.76MB 算法代码 数据挖掘
第 11 节 GEE 的参数类型 (Reducer,Kernel, Algorithm).pdf
2021-06-22 11:04:00 864KB GEE