解压后直接打开, harviewer-master\webapp\index.html 然后将要解析的文件拖到页面上
2019-12-21 21:18:16 3.64MB har view .har
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2019-12-21 21:17:43 60KB wifi wifi监控破解
VMware viewclient x86_64 5.4.0
2019-12-21 21:15:52 32.57MB VMware view client
2019-12-21 21:13:50 2.14MB ADAMS
Android 底部控件随软键盘弹出而上移demo
2019-12-21 21:11:52 28.1MB 软键盘弹出
pcm系统仿真实验报告 有详细参数设置 和模块框图
2019-12-21 21:10:39 298KB pcm system view
名称--> 地震数据分析软件(Seismic View) 版本--> 1.0 大小--> 8.5M 语言--> 中文 授权--> 免费 简介--> 主要用于 油田地震波数据的分析和显示 下载地址--> 没有, 能否上传到贵公司? 平台--> Windows
2019-12-21 21:09:16 8.38MB Seismic
This book equips readers to handle complex multi-view data representation, centered around several major visual applications, sharing many tips and insights through a unified learning framework. This framework is able to model most existing multi-view learning and domain adaptation, enriching readers’ understanding from their similarity, and differences based on data organization and problem settings, as well as the research goal. A comprehensive review exhaustively provides the key recent research on multi-view data analysis, i.e., multi-view clustering, multi-view classification, zero-shot learning, and domain adaption. More practical challenges in multi-view data analysis are discussed including incomplete, unbalanced and large-scale multi-view learning. Learning Representation for Multi-View Data Analysis covers a wide range of applications in the research fields of big data, human-centered computing, pattern recognition, digital marketing, web mining, and computer vision.
2019-12-21 21:09:03 7.89MB multi-view  data represe
最近在做三维方面的开发,在网上查资料找到creoview资料,现上传供大家学习。资料里包含在web上嵌入CreoView的例子以及Creo View 2.0 Web Toolkit Developer’s Guide !
2019-12-21 21:08:34 870KB Creo View 2.0 Web
one view 破解版,安装软件完成后再执行里面的CRACK.exe,必须把破解文件放到软件安装目录,另,杀毒软件会报毒,不放心的请勿下载
2019-12-21 21:08:06 4.42MB one view 破解 qrp