计算机组成与设计:硬件软件接口(英文版 第4版)
ISO 26262英文行业标准,是设计开发电子电器功能安全方面一个重要的标准; ISO 26262《道路车辆功能安全》国际标准是针对总重不超过3.5吨八座乘用车,以安全相关电子电气系统的特点所制定的功能安全标准,基于IEC 61508《安全相关电气/电子/可编程电子系统功能安全》制定,在2011年11月15日正式发布; ISO 26262是史上第一个适用于大批量量产产品的功能安全(Functional Safety)标准。特别需要注意的是,ISO 26262仅针对安全相关电子电气系统,包含电机、电子与软件零件,不应用于非电子电气系统(如机械、液压等)
2022-05-26 14:33:08 20.64MB 道路车辆功能安全行业标准
2022-05-25 11:05:38 1.92MB stm32 文档资料 arm 嵌入式硬件
Pro Python 3, 3rd Edition (2019 Apress出版) Features and Tools for Professional Development Pro Python 3, 3rd Edition Author: J. Burton Browning, Marty Alchin ISBN-10: 1484243846 Year: 2019 Pages: 480 Language: English File size: 6 MB File format: PDF, ePub Category: Python Book Description: Refine your programming techniques and approaches to become a more productive and creative Python programmer. This book explores the concepts and features that will improve not only your code but also your understanding of the Python community with insights and details about the Python philosophy. Pro Python 3, Third Edition gives you the tools to write clean, innovative code. It starts with a review of some core Python principles, which are illustrated by various concepts and examples later in the book. The first half of the book explores aspects of functions, classes, protocols, and strings, describing techniques which may not be common knowledge, but which together form a solid foundation. Later chapters cover documentation, testing, and app distribution. Along the way, you’ll develop a complex Python framework that incorporates ideas learned throughout the book. Updates in this edition include the role of iterators in Python 3, web scraping with Scrapy and BeautifulSoup, using Requests to call web pages without strings, new tools for distribution and installation, and much more. By the end of the book you’ll be ready to deploy uncommon features that can take your skills to the next level in Python. What You’ll Learn Implement programs with various types of Python functions Work with classes and object-oriented programming Use strings from the standard library and third-party libraries Harvest web site data with Python Automate unit testing by writing a test suite Review imaging, random number generation, and NumPy scientific extensions Understand The Zen of Python documentation to help you decide the best way to distribute your code Who This Book Is For Intermediate programmers familiar with Python who are looking to move to an advanced level. You should have written at least a simple Python application, and be comfortable with a basic object-oriented approach, using the interactive interpreter, and writing control structures.
2022-05-25 09:53:32 5.96MB Python
2022-05-24 19:00:35 17KB
这本是 牛顿 经典著作 《自然哲学之数学原理》 的英文版 Philosophiae_naturalis_principia_mathema 。分为两个文件,这是第一个。
2022-05-23 16:10:21 19.07MB 数学 牛顿 物理 自然科学
windows win32 api 英文版 winapi api接口
2022-05-23 14:00:58 3.27MB windows
2017年Apress proSpring5英文版。 2017年Apress proSpring5英文版。
2022-05-23 11:05:59 9.84MB spring spring5 英文
完整英文版 NFPA 40:2022 Standard for the Storage and Handling of Cellulose Nitrate Film (硝酸纤维素胶片的储存和处理标准)。本标准应适用于所有涉及储存和处理纤维素亚硝酸酯薄膜的设施。基于火灾对生命和财产安全的最低要求,本标准应规定硝酸纤维素胶片的储存和处理。
2022-05-23 10:04:12 11.55MB NFPA 40 硝酸 纤维素
本标准的要求涵盖了电灯的支架和连接器,包括白炽灯、荧光灯和其他放电型灯,其额定值如第6条所示,按照CSA C22.1、加拿大电气规范(CE规范)第一部分和国家电气规范(NEC)、ANSI/NFPA 70使用。这些要求涵盖了螺丝灯座,包括那些打算直接安装在插座盒上的灯座。螺丝灯座,包括直接安装在插座盒上的灯座,特殊用途的灯座,电动标志的灯座,以及将一种灯座尺寸转换为另一种的适配器。将一种灯座尺寸转换为另一种灯座的适配器
2022-05-23 10:04:11 4.4MB UL 496 灯座 Lamp