The Kubernetes Book,2019年3月版,包含 - Kubernetes cluster architecture - How to build Kubernetes Clusters - How to deploy and manage applications on Kubernetes - How to secure Kubernetes - The meaning of terms like cloud-native, microservices, desired state, containerized, and more...
2019-12-21 20:18:05 4.61MB k8s azw3
学习Python requests(丢掉urllib2吧)最好最新的书,含pdf, epub两个格式,电脑手机上同时学习用
2019-12-21 20:17:57 1.78MB python book english
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Learning Data Mining With Python book 代码及实例数据
2019-12-21 20:13:08 9.95MB python 代码
自适应滤波器教材PDF (英文第三版994页+中文第四版745页)
2019-12-21 20:12:39 33.82MB Book
ethereum_book_精通以太坊 (中文版) 此书把以太坊原理、智能合约、ERP20等相关知识点进行了详细的讲解,并附有相关代码
2019-12-21 20:08:10 5.02MB 以太坊 ethereum
Discovering knowledge from big multivariate data, recorded every days, requires specialized machine learning techniques. This book presents an easy to use practical guide in R to compute the most popular machine learning methods for exploring data sets, as well as, for building predictive models. The main parts of the book include: Unsupervised learning methods, to explore and discover knowledge from a large multivariate data set using clustering and principal component methods. You will learn hierarchical clustering, k-means, principal component analysis and correspondence analysis methods. Regression analysis, to predict a quantitative outcome value using linear regression and non-linear regression strategies. Classification techniques, to predict a qualitative outcome value using logistic regression, discriminant analysis, naive bayes classifier and support vector machines. Advanced machine learning methods, to build robust regression and classification models using k-nearest neighbors methods, decision tree models, ensemble methods (bagging, random forest and boosting). Model selection methods, to select automatically the best combination of predictor variables for building an optimal predictive model. These include, best subsets selection methods, stepwise regression and penalized regression (ridge, lasso and elastic net regression models). We also present principal component-based regression methods, which are useful when the data contain multiple correlated predictor variables. Model validation and evaluation techniques for measuring the performance of a predictive model. Model diagnostics for detecting and fixing a potential problems in a predictive model. The book presents the basic principles of these tasks and provide many examples in R. This book offers solid guidance in data mining for students and researchers. Key features: Covers machine learning algorithm and implementation Key mathematical concepts are presented Short, self-contained cha
2019-12-21 20:01:08 323KB Machine Learning Essentials
这是一本关于 Fragment Shaders(片段着色器)的入门指南,它将一步一步地带你领略其中的纷繁与抽象, 作者Patricio Gonzalez Vivo和Jen Lowe
2019-12-21 20:00:29 14.86MB Shader Unity Fragment PDF
2019-12-21 19:55:14 19.34MB NURBS pdf Bezier B-spline
1、使用SQL Server 2000企业管理器和查询分析器工具(即用Transact-SQL语句)创建一个“图书读者数据库”(Book_Reader_DB); 2、使用企业管理器查看Book_Reader_DB的数据库属性,并进行修改,使之符合你的要求; 3、使用企业管理器和在查询分析器中用Transact-SQL语句的两种方法建立图书、读者和借阅三个表,其结构为: 图书(书号,类别,出版社,作者,书名,定价,备注); 读者(编号,姓名,单位,性别,电话); 借阅(书号,读者编号,借阅日期)。 要求:① 对每个属性选择合适的数据类型;② 定义每个表的主码、是否允许空值和默认值等列级数据约束;③ 对每个表的名字和表中属性的名字尽可能用英文符号标识。 4、实现相关约束:①使用企业管理器来建立上述三个表的联系,即实现:借阅表与图书表之间、借阅表与读者表之间的外码约束;② 实现读者性别只能是“男”或“女”的约束。 5、分别用企业管理器和查询分析器修改表的结构。在“图书”表中,增加两个字段,分别为“数量”和“购买日期”。在“借阅”表中增加一个“还书日期”字段。 6、用企业管理器在上述三个表中输入部分虚拟数据。 7、在查询分析器中实现基于但个表的查询 ① select * from Book ② select * from book where Bclass=’计算机’ ③ select count(*) from book group by Bclass ④ select * from Reader ⑤ select * from Borrow ⑥ select rno, count(bno) from Borrow group by rno order by rno ⑦ select bno, count(rno) from Borrow group by bno order by bno