unity VR 炼金术实验室游戏源码,支持安卓+IOS C#语言开发。完整的源码可直接运营。拿来学习研究和二次开发都很不错。
2022-01-14 19:07:23 405.93MB unityVR炼金术实验室游
unity vr虚拟现实3D迷宫源码,支持安卓+IOS C#语言开发。完整的源码可直接运营。拿来学习研究和二次开发都很不错。
2022-01-14 19:07:22 237MB unityvr虚拟现实3D迷宫
2022-01-13 14:01:18 3.15MB 元宇宙 AR VR
俄罗斯终极篮球2019 VR 用Unity制作的Cardboard篮球VR Android游戏(最低版本) Google云端硬盘上的APK: YouTube上的演示视频(俄语): 该游戏基于与我在Coddy School的学生合作开发的想法。 游戏的目标是将尽可能多的球扔进篮筐。 这是一种合作游戏,假定有人必须计算每个玩家的游戏时间。
2022-01-11 16:48:33 100.88MB android game csharp unity
2022-01-11 14:14:48 13.36MB 元宇宙 2021年中国游戏出海白皮书
2022-01-10 16:47:44 160.86MB VR CardBoard
2022-01-10 16:10:27 291B Unity C# 游戏开发 VR
Unity5 Shader着色器入门教程+高清指导视频+源代码工程
2022-01-10 16:10:25 289B Unity5 C# vr 游戏开发
Learn how to use the Processing programming language and environment to create Android applications with ease. This book covers the basics of the Processing language, allowing users to effectively program interactive graphics in 2D and 3D. It ?also details the application of these techniques to different types of Android devices (smartphones, tablets, wearables and smartwatches). Processing for Android?walks you through the steps of taking an initial idea to a final app. With this book, you will be able to write engaging apps with interactive visuals driven by motion and location information obtained from the device’s sensors; including health data from the wearer, like step count and heart rate. An advantage of Processing for Android over more complex programming environments is the ability for users to focus on the interactions and visual output of their code rather than in the implementation details of the Android platform. This book goes through a comprehensive series of hand-on projects, ranging from simple sketches to more complex projects involving sensors and integration with larger apps. It also covers important aspects such as exporting your Processing projects as signed apps are ready to upload to the Google Play store and be share with the world! What You'll Learn Write apps and live wallpapers for smartphones and tablets Design and implement interactive watch faces Create Virtual Reality experiences for Cardboard devices Integrate Processing sketches into larger apps and Android Studio Export projects as completed apps ready to distribute through Google Play Store Who This Book Is For Artists, designers, students, researchers, and hobbyists who are not necessarily Android experts, but are looking to write mobile apps that make creative use of interactive graphics, sensor data, and virtual reality. Table of Contents Part I: First Steps with Processing for Android Chapter 1: Getting Started with Android Mode Chapter 2: The Processing Language Chapter 3: From Sketch to Play Store Part II: Drawing and Interaction Chapter 4: Drawing Graphics and Text Chapter 5: Touchscreen Interaction Chapter 6: Live Wallpapers Part III: Sensors Chapter 7: Reading Sensor Data Chapter 8: Driving Graphics and Sound with Sensor Data Chapter 9: Geolocation Part IV: Wearables and Watch Faces Chapter 10: Wearable Devices Chapter 11: Visualizing Time Chapter 12: Visualizing Physical Activity Part V: 3D and VR Chapter 13: 3D in Processing Chapter 14: VR Basics Chapter 15: Drawing in VR Appendix A: Gradle and Android Studio Integration Appendix B: Processing Libraries
2022-01-10 10:13:29 10.33MB Processing Android VR
2022-01-07 14:02:42 961.71MB 智慧博物馆