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Make出版,针对AVR MCU的教学。很清楚,可以作为入门。
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Python MIP(混合整数线性编程)工具 套件网站: : Python MIP是用于混合整数线性程序(MIP)建模和解决方案的Python工具集合。 MIP语法受启发。 就像一样,它也提供对高级求解器功能的访问,例如切割生成,惰性约束,MIPstart和解决方案池。 移植Pulp和Gurobi模型应该很容易。 MIP的一些主要功能包括: 高级建模:就像使用这样的高级语言一样,用Python轻松编写MIP模型:运算符重载使使用Python编写线性表达式变得容易。 全功能: 剪切生成器和惰性约束:通过在分支和剪切搜索过程中仅生成所需的不等式来处理具有大量约束的强公式; 解决方案池:查询在搜索过程中找到的精英解决方案集; MIPStart:使用问题相关的启发式方法为MIP搜索生成初始可行的解决方案。 快速:Python MIP软件包使用现代的python 模块直接调用已安
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RxSwift Reactive Programming with Swift 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
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MIPS Assembly Language Programming (2003).pdf
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RT-Thread 是一款完全由国内团 队开发维护的嵌入式实时操作系统(RTOS),具有完全的自主知识产权。经过近 12 个年头的沉淀,伴随 着物联网的兴起,它正演变成一个功能强大、组件丰富的物联网操作系统。 这部编程指南,从概念到代码历程,从理论到实践,内容详尽而不枯燥,是应用 rt-thread 必备指南。
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Learn Swift by Building Applications: Explore Swift programming through iOS app development by Emil Atanasov Packt Publishing English 2018-05-25 366 pages 5.0/5.0 1 reviews Details Title: Learn Swift by Building Applications: Explore Swift programming through iOS app development Author: Emil Atanasov Length: 366 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2018-05-25 ISBN-10: 178646392X ISBN-13: 9781786463920 Sales Rank: #1123253 (See Top 100 Books) Categories Computers & Technology Mobile Phones, Tablets & E-Readers Operating Systems Programming Programming Languages Description Start building your very own mobile apps with this comprehensive introduction to Swift and object-oriented programming Key Features A complete beginner's guide to Swift programming language Understand core Swift programming concepts and techniques for creating popular iOS apps Start your journey toward building mobile app development with this practical guide Book Description Swift Language is now more powerful than ever; it has introduced new ways to solve old problems and has gone on to become one of the fastest growing popular languages. It is now a de-facto choice for iOS developers and it powers most of the newly released and popular apps. This practical guide will help you to begin your journey with Swift programming through learning how to build iOS apps. You will learn all about basic variables, if clauses, functions, loops, and other core concepts; then structures, classes, and inheritance will be discussed. Next, you'll dive into developing a weather app that consumes data from the internet and presents information to the user. The final project is more complex, involving creating an Instagram like app that integrates different external libraries. The app also uses CocoaPods as its package dependency manager, to give you a cutting-edge tool to add to your skillset. By the end of the book, you will have learned how to model real-world apps
2021-11-18 23:05:46 16.8MB IOS SWIFT ios12 Emil