最新版: Understanding your company’s data has never been easier than with Microsoft’s new Power BI package for Excel Consisting of four powerful tools—Power Pivot, Power View, Power Query and Power Maps—Power BI makes self-service business intelligence a reality for a wide range of users, bridging the traditional gap between Excel users, business analysts and IT experts and making it easier for everyone to work together to build the data models that can give you game-changing insights into your business. Beginning Power BI with Excel 2013 guides you step by step through the process of analyzing and visualizing your data. Daniel R. Clark, an expert in BI training and a regular speaker on these topics, takes you through each tool in turn, using hands-on activities to consolidate what you’ve learned in each chapter. Starting with Power Pivot, you will create robust scalable data models which will serve as the foundation of your data analysis. Once you have mastered creating suitable data models, you will use them to build compelling interactive visualizations in Power View. It’s often necessary to combine data from disparate sources into a data model. Power Query allows you to easily discover, combine, and refine data from a variety of sources, so you can make accurate judgments with all the available information. Geographical awareness is another common requirement of data analysis. Using Power Maps you will create captivating visualizations that map your data in space and time.
2021-05-22 23:47:16 26.62MB Excel PowerBI
GT-power是一款由Gamma Technologies公司开发的具有发动机工业标准的模拟仿真工具,被世界上大多数发动机和汽车制造厂家及供应商使用。 GT-Power是GT-Suite系列软件中的一部分,涵盖了发动机本体、驱动系统、冷却系统、燃油供给系统、曲轴机构、配气机构六个方面。该软件采用有限体积法进行流体的计算,计算步长自动可调,有强大的辅助建模前处理工具,自带有丰富的燃烧模型,具有丰富的控制功能,能与SIMULINK进行耦合求解,能与三维的CFD软件进行耦合计算,自带有优化设计功能,能进行直接优化、DOE设计/优化,能进行进、排气系统噪音分析,能对进、排气系统的消音元件进行优化设计。
2021-05-22 17:18:53 219B GT-power
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本书是学习POWER PC860的经典参考书,也是北京邮电大学嵌入式系统课程的推荐书目,已绝版。本资源是扫描版,清晰度良好。
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介绍几种图表,分别是chords,force-directed nodes,,Network Navigator, Social Network Graph,Sankey diagram用来展现多列数据之间的关联性。
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四周上手BI 电商数据分析---本课程从经典电商业务分析入手,案例贯穿,注重实操,在较短的时间里教您快速掌握BI数据分析技巧,让“人人都成为数据师”不再是一句口号!快速掌握BI数据分析,人人都成为数据师,经典电商业务分析入手,案例贯穿,注重实操
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