2022-02-24 14:21:57 5.32MB numerical mathematics
Packt出版的英文PDF电子书,看上去像是其它格式转来的,有些小问题,不过不影响阅读,适合查阅参考。从这本书中可以学到: 1)利用Qt Widgets和Qt Quick 2创建出色的UI; 2)利用Qt framework开发功能强大的跨平台应用; 3)使用Qt Designer设计GUI,并在其中创建用于UI预览的库; 4)利用Qt signal or slot 机制处理用户交互; 5)使用Qt Animation框架显示炫目效果; 6)通过Qt和嵌入式平台,部署移动应用程序; 7)通过Qt Gamepad和Gamepad交互。 更多技能,如桌面UI、移动UI、Qt3D、Raspberry Pi、Open CV、多线程、多媒体等,以及在Windows、Linux、OS X、Android和iOS的打包部署,都可以在书中找到教程。
2022-02-24 12:22:26 6.78MB Qt Qt5 Qt Widgets
Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition(Second edition)高清非扫描版
2022-02-24 10:51:31 11.12MB Handbook Fingerprint Recognition 英文版
Book Description: Windows PowerShell in Action, Third Edition is the definitive guide to PowerShell, now revised to cover PowerShell 6. About the Technology In 2006, Windows PowerShell reinvented the way administrators and developers interact with Windows. Today, PowerShell is required knowledge for Windows admins and devs. This powerful, dynamic language provides command-line control of the Windows OS and most Windows servers, such as Exchange and SCCM. And because it’s a first-class .NET language, you can build amazing shell scripts and tools without reaching for VB or C#. About the Book Windows PowerShell in Action, Third Edition is the definitive guide to PowerShell, now revised to cover PowerShell 6. Written by language designer Bruce Payette and MVP Richard Siddaway, this rich book offers a crystal-clear introduction to the language along with its essential everyday use cases. Beyond the basics, you’ll find detailed examples on deep topics like performance, module architecture, and parallel execution. What’s Inside The best end-to-end coverage of PowerShell available Updated with coverage of PowerShell v6 PowerShell workflows PowerShell classes Writing modules and scripts Desired State Configuration Programming APIs and pipelines About the Reader Written for intermediate-level developers and administrators. About the Authors Bruce Payette is codesigner and principal author of the Power-Shell language. Richard Siddaway is a longtime PowerShell MVP, author, speaker, and blogger.
2022-02-24 09:00:54 11.81MB PowerShell
C++ Primer 第4版,pdf版,全标签!
2022-02-23 21:58:44 7.1MB C++primer pdf
这是一本扫描版。以下是英文介绍。 Publication Date: August 14, 1995 | ISBN-10: 0201848406 | ISBN-13: 978-0201848403 | Edition: 2 The best-selling book on computer graphics is now available in this C-language version. All code has been converted into C, and changes through the ninth printing of the second edition have been incorporated. The book's many outstanding features continue to ensure its position as the standard computer graphics text and reference. By uniquely combining current concepts and practical applications in computer graphics, four well-known authors provide here the most comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date coverage of the field. The important algorithms in 2D and 3D graphics are detailed for easy implementation, including a close look at the more subtle special cases. There is also a thorough presentation of the mathematical principles of geometric transformations and viewing. In this book, the authors explore multiple perspectives on computer graphics: the user's, the application programmer's, the package implementor's, and the hardware designer's. For example, the issues of user-centered design are expertly addressed in three chapters on interaction techniques, dialogue design, and user interface software. Hardware concerns are examined in a chapter, contributed by Steven Molnar and Henry Fuchs, on advanced architectures for real-time, high performance graphics. The comprehensive topic coverage includes: *Programming with SRGP, a simple but powerful raster graphics package that combines features of Apple's QuickDraw and the MIT X Window System graphics library. *Hierarchical, geometric modeling using SPHIGS, a simplified dialect of the 3D graphics standard PHIGS. *Raster graphics hardware and software, including both basic and advanced algorithms for scan converting and clipping lines, polygons, conics, spline curves, and text. *Image synthesis, including visible-surface determination, illumination and shading models, image manipulation, and antialiasing. *Techniques for photorealistic rendering, including ray tracing and radiosity methods. *Surface modeling with parametric polynomials, including NURBS, and solid-modeling representations such as B-reps, CSG, and octrees. *Advanced modeling techniques such as fractals, grammar-based models, particle systems. *Concepts of computer animation and descriptions of state-of-the-art animation systems. Over 100 full-color plates and over 700 figures illustrate the techniques presented in the book. 0201848406B04062001
2022-02-23 11:59:15 23.86MB Computer Graphics CG
Picking up R can be tough, even for seasoned statisticians and data analysts. R For Dummies, 2nd Edition provides a quick and painless way to master all the R you'll ever need. Requiring no prior programming experience and packed with tons of practical examples, step-by-step exercises, and sample code, this friendly and accessible guide shows you how to know your way around lists, data frames, and other R data structures, while learning to interact with other programs, such as Microsoft Excel. You'll learn how to reshape and manipulate data, merge data sets, split and combine data, perform calculations on vectors and arrays, and so much more.,解压密码
2022-02-23 11:46:24 3.77MB 英文
Spring MVC helps you build flexible and loosely coupled web applications. The Spring MVC Framework is architected and designed in such a way that every piece of logic and functionality is highly configurable. Also, Spring can integrate effortlessly with other popular web frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, Java Server Faces, and Tapestry. The book progressively teaches you to configure the Spring development environment, architecture, controllers, libraries, and more before moving on to developing a full web application. It begins with an introduction to the Spring development environment and architecture so you’re familiar with the know-hows. From here, we move on to controllers, views, validations, Spring Tag libraries, and more. Finally, we integrate it all together to develop a web application. You’ll also get to grips with testing applications for reliability.
2022-02-23 09:35:33 21.5MB Spring MVC SpringMVC Beginner
Functional Programming Simplified Scala edition 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-02-22 16:37:40 2.82MB Functional Programming Simplified Scala
非线性微波和射频电路(第2版) 英文版 英文名:Artech.House.Nonlinear.Microwave.And.RF.Circuits.2nd.Edition.eBook-LiB.pdf