Predictive Modeling with SAS Enterprise Miner: Practical Solutions for Business Applications, Second Edition。 Learn how to produce predictive models and prepare presentation-quality graphics in record time with Predictive Modeling with SAS Enterprise Miner: Practical Solutions for Business Applications, Second Edition. If you are a graduate student, researcher, or statistician interested in predictive modeling; a data mining expert who wants to learn SAS Enterprise Miner; or a business analyst looking for an introduction to predictive modeling using SAS Enterprise Miner, you'll be able to develop predictive models quickly and effectively using the theory and examples presented in this book. Author Kattamuri Sarma offers the theory behind, programming steps for, and examples of predictive modeling with SAS Enterprise Miner, along with exercises at the end of each chapter. You'll gain a comprehensive awareness of how to find solutions for your business needs. This second edition features expanded coverage of the SAS Enterprise Miner nodes, now including File Import, Time Series, Variable Clustering, Cluster, Interactive Binning, Principal Components, AutoNeural, DMNeural, Dmine Regression, Gradient Boosting, Ensemble, and Text Mining. Develop predictive models quickly, learn how to test numerous models and compare the results, gain an in-depth understanding of predictive models and multivariate methods, and discover how to do in-depth analysis. Do it all with Predictive Modeling with SAS Enterprise Miner.
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2015-11-13 00:00:00 3.21MB 技术资料
The accelerating deployment of large-scale web, cloud, Big Data, and virtualized computing systems has introduced serious new challenges in performance optimization. Until now, however, little reliable, practical information has been available to IT professionals who are responsible for running these systems efficiently and cost-effectively. Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud is the solution. Internationally renowned performance optimization expert Brendan Gregg brings together state-of-the-art techniques and tools for analysis and tuning of large-scale web/cloud computing environments. Gregg focuses on Linux/Unix/Solaris performance issues, while offering proven methodologies and discussing key issues that apply to all enterprise operating systems. Coverage includes: Modern performance analysis and capacity planning, including key issues such as latency and dynamic tracing New performance and reliability challenges associated with cloud computing Methodology, concepts, terminology, tools, and metrics Key tradeoffs, including problems of load vs. architecture Tuning operating systems, CPUs, memory, file systems, disks, networks, and busses Tuning virtualized systems Programming language issues related to performance — including application profiling for C, C++, Java, and node.js Benchmarking strategies and pitfalls, including custom microbenchmarking
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