为纽约市的短期租赁价格构建 ML 管道 概述 一家物业管理公司在各种租赁平台上短期出租房间和物业。 我建立了一个端到端的管道,以帮助公司根据类似房产的价格估算给定房产的典型价格。 新数据每周都会批量到达。 端到端管道使模型能够以相同的节奏重新训练。 项目步骤 创造环境 确保已安装并准备好 conda,然后使用存储库根目录中提供的environment.yml文件创建一个新环境并激活它: > conda env create -f environment.yml > conda activate [NAME_OF_ENV] 获取权重和偏差的 API 密钥 确保登录权重和偏差。 转到并单击 + 图标(复制到剪贴板),从 W&B 获取您的 API 密钥,然后将您的密钥粘贴到以下命令中: > wandb login [your API key] 您应该会看到类似于以下内容的消息: w
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CaptionNet: Automatic End-to-End Siamese Difference Captioning Model With Attention
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micron nand flash based on ONFI, include 2~8 die with 2 cmd bus
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2020年nips model-based reinforcement learning相关论文集合
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EBS R12创建银行api说明
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《SDRAM那些事儿》第一季-轻松设计SDRAM控制器 邓堪文老师sdram讲解中用到的代码
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https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/trt_pose This project features multi-instance pose estimation accelerated by NVIDIA TensorRT. It is ideal for applications where low latency is necessary. It includes Training scripts to train on any keypoint task data in MSCOCO format A collection of models that may be easily optimized with TensorRT using torch2trt This project can be used easily for the task of human pose estimation, or extended for something new. Below are models pre-trained on the MSCOCO dataset. The throughput in FPS is shown for each platform
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2021-08-02 11:34:04 80KB PyTorch model.zero_grad optimizer.zero_grad
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