Al Bovik, editor, "Handbook of Image and Video Processing," 2nd ed., Elsevier, Academic Press, 2005
2021-08-28 17:19:40 37.07MB 图像处理
这本文档是ESA欧空局出版物,这个PDF将PartA,B,C三部分合并。对InSAR的干涉解释比较清晰,适合入门学习。 This training manual introduces and explains Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), including applications for data from the Envisat ASAR sensor and how to combine Envisat and ERS images to produce interferograms and differential interferograms.
2021-08-28 13:07:55 12.48MB InSAR Interferomet Interpretati
高级遥感教程 这些教程由纽约州立大学环境科学与林业学院的Ge (Jeff) Pu 和 Lindi Quackenbush 博士开发, 作为高级遥感课程的一部分。开发这些教程的资金由AmericaView提供。
2021-08-27 19:09:29 153KB GEE GoogleEarthEng 遥感 Digital
Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation (15th Edition) By 作者: David M. Kroenke – David J. Auer – Robert C. Yoder – Scott L. Vandenberg ISBN-10 书号: 0134802748 ISBN-13 书号: 9780134802749 Edition 版本: 15 出版日期: 2018-02-16 pages 页数: (688 ) $289 For undergraduate database management courses. Getting straight to the point of database processing Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation, 15th Edition, is a thorough and modern look at database processing fundamentals that’s designed to get readers straight to the point. This 40th anniversary edition has been refined and updated to reflect contemporary teaching and professional workplace environments and methods, address the latest software, and expand upon new and emerging developments in the database processing field – such as cloud computing and Big Data.
2021-08-27 10:30:50 48.96MB Database
icassp2019-latex-template:ICASSP 2019官方乳胶模板
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Digital Image Processing 第四版 和官方版一样,欢迎希望学习计算机图像处理的同学下载
2021-08-25 11:50:47 43.5MB Computer Vision Digital Image
CRISPR_Screen_Processing 您可以遵循一个基本的工作示例,使用MAGeCK和/或DrugZ进行富集/耗竭分析,以统一的方式半自动分析汇总的CRISPR筛选数据。 有关更多详细信息,请参见自述文件。 测试表文件是模板,而不是工作示例。 内容 主资料夹脚本通过cutadapt,bowtie 1.3和MAGeCK(计数/ RRA测试)处理原始FASTQ文件脚本处理MAgeCK使用drugz.py脚本生成的计数表 MAGeCK_或DrugZ_ Tests_Table.txt:制表符分隔的表,这些表通知上述bash脚本如何进行富集/耗竭测试(从头到尾:输出名称,治疗组,对照组) 这两个bash脚本均使用脚本顶部指示的默认设置运行,除了thread / cores选项外,所有其他设置均使用相应软件包的默认设置。 Ra
2021-08-24 22:48:53 4.5MB Shell
Post Processing Profiles V2.3 - Unity相机镜头VFX特效.zip
2021-08-24 17:11:56 114.63MB PostProcessing
请先从Window - Package Manager 下载PostProcessing插件后,再导入镜头滤镜,否则报错
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2021-08-23 19:42:32 29.46MB 语音, 机器学习