4丘2 802.16 体系结构与协议核 802.16 体系结构如图 4-30 所示。基站直接连接到提供商的骨干网络,该网络再连接到 Internet a 基站通过无线空中接口与站通信。网络中并存着两种站:第一种是保持在一个固 定位置的用户站,例如家庭宽带接入 Internet:第二种是可以在移动中接收服务的移动站, 例如一辆配备了 W部位X装置的汽车。 空中接口一「飞 骨干网络 (去往Internet) 图 4-30 802.16 体系结构 用于空中接口的 802.16 协议钱如图 4-31 所示。总体结构与其他 802 网络相似,但有了 更多的子层。最底层主要处理信号传输,这里我们只给出 802.16 的流行产品,分别是固定 和移动 Wm丛X。每个产品有不同的物理层。这两层运行在 11 GHz 以下的许可频谱并使用 OFDM,但方式上有所不同。 例如, IP 特定服务汇聚子层 ←------』------- MAC公共子层 ------咀’”’.,..- .. ,--………·-…·-…………·-…----咽…- T…… 安全子层 “固定WiMAX” OFDM(802.16e) 可扩展OFDM(802.16e) 链 Z 层 层 据 U M 理 上 数 岛 物 111trlJ11 ||> tell - J11irj 发布时间: 2003年 2005年 图 4-31 802.16 协议桔 物理层上面是数据链路层,它包括 3 个子层。最下面的子层涉及隐私和安全,公共室 外网络相比私人室内网络,在安全性方面要求更高,因此这个子层尤为重要的。它管理加 密、解密和密钥管理。
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来自MIT大佬Natalie Enright Jerger、Tushar Krishna、以及Li-Shiuan Peh总结的体系结构片上网络(onchip network)的学习材料(目前主要用于MIT相关课程教学)。 英文摘要:This book targets engineers and researchers familiar with basic computer architecture concepts who are interested in learning about on-chip networks. This work is designed to be a short synthesis of the most critical concepts in on-chip network design. It is a resource for both understanding on-chip network basics and for providing an overview of state of-the-art research in on-chip networks. We believe that an overview that teaches both fundamental concepts and highlights state-of-the-art designs will be of great value to both graduate students and industry engineers. While not an exhaustive text, we hope to illuminate fundamental concepts for the reader as well as identify trends and gaps in on-chip network research. With the rapid advances in this field, we felt it was timely to update and review the state of the art in this second edition. We introduce two new chapters at the end of the book. We have updated the latest research of the past years throughout the book and also expanded our coverage of fundamental concepts to include several research ideas that have now made their way into products and, in our opinion, should be textbook concepts that all on-chip network practitioners should know. For example, these fundamental concepts include message passing, multicast routing, and bubble flow control schemes. Table of Contents: Preface / Acknowledgments / Introduction / Interface with System Architecture / Topology / Routing / Flow Control / Router Microarchitecture / Modeling and Evaluation / Case Studies / Conclusions / References / Authors' Biographies 是学习NOC等领域的非常好的材料。
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