英文电磁学书籍。 我的看法是:除了语言障碍外,英文书大多过程简洁、严谨,所以也更容易看进去,看懂,尤其对于基础薄弱的读者来说。
2019-12-21 20:15:10 7MB 英文,电磁学
UNIX环境高级编程第三版(英文原版)(超清晰pdf) The first edition of the book was published by Addison-Wesley in 1992. It covered programming for the two popular families of the Unix operating system, the Berkeley Software Distribution (in particular 4.3 BSD and 386BSD) and AT&T's UNIX System V (particularly SVR4). The book covers system calls for operations on single file descriptors, special calls like ioctl that operate on file descriptors, and operations on files and directories. It covers the stdio section of the C standard library, and other parts of the library as needed. The several chapters concern the APIs that control processes, process groups, daemons, inter-process communication, and signals. One chapter is devoted to the Unix terminal control and another to the pseudo terminal concept and to libraries like termcap and curses that build atop it. Stevens adds three chapters giving more concrete examples of Unix programming: he implements a database library, communicates with a PostScript printer, and with a modem. The book does not cover network programming: this is the subject of Stevens' 1990 book UNIX Network Programming and his subsequent three-volume TCP/IP Illustrated. Stevens died in 1999 leaving a second edition incomplete. With the increasing popularity and technical diversification of Unix derivatives, and largely compatible systems like the Linux environment, the code and coverage of Stevens' original became increasingly outdated. Working with Stevens' unfinished notes, Stephen A. Rago completed a second edition which Addison-Wesley published in 2005. This added support for FreeBSD, Linux, Sun's Solaris, and Apple's Darwin, and added coverage of multithreaded programming with POSIX Threads. The second edition features a foreword by Dennis Ritchie and a Unix-themed Dilbert strip by Scott Adams. The book has been widely lauded as well written, well crafted, and comprehensive. It received a "hearty recommendation" in a Linux Journal review[1] OSNews describes it
2019-12-21 20:13:05 19.65MB UNIX
Waveform diversity: a way forward to the future of the radar A. De Maio, A. Farina, F. Gini, L. Patton and M.Wicks Contents Chapter 1 Classical radar waveform design Nadav Levanon Chapter 2 Information theory and radar waveform design Mark R. Bell and Mir Hamza Mahmood Chapter 3 Multistatic ambiguity function and sensor placement strategies Ivan Bradaric1, Gerard T. Capraro and Michael C.Wicks Chapter 4 MIMO radar waveform design Ming Xue, Jian Li and Petre Stoica Chapter 5 Passiv e bistatic radar waveforms Hugh D. Griffiths and Chris J. Baker Chapter 6 Biologically inspired waveform diversity Chris J. Baker, Hugh D. Griffiths and Alessio Balleri Chapter 7 Continuous waveforms for automotive radar systems Hermann Rohling and Matthias Kronauge Chapter 8 Multistatic and waveform-diverse radar pulse compression Shannon D. Blunt, Thomas Higgins,Aaron K. Shackelford and Karl Gerlach Chapter 9 Optimal channel selection in a multistatic radar system M.S. Greco, P. Stinco, F. Gini, A. Farina and M. Rangaswamy Chapter 10 Waveform design for non-cooperative radar networks Antonio De Maio, Silvio De Nicola, Alfonso Farina and Michael C.Wicks Chapter 11 Waveform design based on phase conjugation and time reversal Lucio Bellomo, Marc Saillard, Sébastien Pioch,Frédéric Barbaresco and Marc Lesturgie Chapter 12 Space-time diversity for active antenna systems J.-P. Guyvarch, L. Savy and F. Le Chevalier Chapter 13 Autocorrelation constraints in radar waveform optimization for detection Lee K. Patton and Brian D. Rigling Chapter 14 Adaptive waveform design for radar target classification Nathan A. Goodman Chapter 15 Adaptive waveform design for tracking Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola, Jason Jun Zhang, Bhavana Chakraborty, Ying Li, Darryl Morrell and Sandeep P. Sira Chapter 16 Adaptive polarization design for target detection and tr
2019-12-21 20:12:58 10.73MB waveform radar design
objc.io Advanced Swift, update to swift 4.0. objc.io Advanced Swift, update to swift 4.0.
2019-12-21 20:05:04 666KB Advanced Swift Swift 4.0
2019-12-21 20:03:19 2.09MB PDF密码破解
2019-12-21 19:59:31 3.11MB 键盘录制器 鼠标录制器 录键盘 录鼠标
2019-12-21 19:58:46 1.6MB Advanced
Advanced Find and Replace 是一个功能超强的文本查找和替换工具。它可以使用类似于 AltaVista 的查询方式在多个文档中搜索和替换整段文本!你可以使用不同的扩展名过滤要搜索的文件,定义类似于 AltaVista 的搜索查询。此外你可以从多个文件中插入,替换和删除由好几行所组成的文本块。其它的功能比如:可以使用 Perl 风格的正则表达式,支持命令行参数,可以用 XML 保存结果,可以将 Perl 脚本转换到 Unix 平台。
2019-12-21 19:57:44 1.06MB Advanced Find and Replac
完整的Advanced Linux Programming(中文)
2019-12-21 19:54:33 2.33MB Advanced Linux Programming
Advanced Archive Password Recovery 可以解开 ZIP/PKZip/WinZIP,ARJ/WinARJ,RAR/WinRAR (2.x) 和 ACE/WinACE (2.x) 等几种的密码!专注于为用户解决忘记密码的难题的一个团队,根据自己的密码字典及密码位数使用穷举法破解压缩软件的密码。 Advanced Archive Password Recovery recovers protection passwords or unlocks encrypted ZIP and RAR archives created with all versions of popular archivers. Recover passwords for plain and self-extracting archives created with PKZip and WinZip, RAR and WinRAR automatically or with your assistance. Guaranteed unlocking of archives created with WinZip 8.0 and earlier in under one hour is possible by exploiting an implementation flaw. Advanced Archive Password Recovery features ultimate compatibility among the various types of archives, knows weaknesses of certain types of protection, and provides best-in-class performance in unlocking all types of archives.
2019-12-21 19:52:51 2.35MB Password 压缩文件 密码破解 含注册码