客户关系管理系统资源CRM PHP
2021-03-12 14:07:02 31.11MB php redis mysql
2021-03-11 17:04:43 4.59MB CRM会员运营 营销生态 大数据
客户关系管理系统(客户管理系统,OA系统,进销存管理系统) 客户管理系统:管理客户(企业)客户[重要客户(VIP),签约客户,成交客户,潜在客户,放弃客户] OA管理系统: 进销存管理系统(入库 出库 库存)
2021-03-09 15:05:40 14.69MB java crm 客户 管理系统
2021-03-08 14:01:01 5.56MB CRM客户关系管理系统
不可多得的珍贵资料!!! │ SSA CRM介绍.ppt │ 数据挖掘在客户关系管理中的应用.ppt │ 客户价值理解.ppt │ 某知名IT公司CRM项目组织体系及总体推进方案.doc │ 某公司CRM系统设计方案.doc │ CRM策略、方法和软件支持.doc │ Convergent Billing & CRM.ppt │ 联通uni-crm规划(200209).pdf │ 中国电信大客户管理系统业务需求书.doc │ 客户关系管理(CRM)初阶(200308).pdf │ 中国电信大客户管理系统业务需求书(2002.12).doc │ 国外移动运营商针对大客户提供业务及其策略.doc │ 企业客户关系管理讲座.ppt │ 客户关系管理(CRM)讲义.ppt │ 第二届CRM在中国的会议PPT.ppt │ Oracle CRM资料.ppt │ 中国电信CRM建设规范(200306).pdf │ HOLLYCRM助力行业客户关系管理.pdf │ CRM Software Report 1997-2002.pdf │ 中国CRM行动指南第1版(200210).pdf │ 电信企业大客户关系营销的五点
2021-03-05 15:08:11 8.62MB CRM;电信
CRM管理系统、教育后台、赠品管理、优惠管理、预约管理、试听课、教师、学生、客户、学员、商品管理、科目、优惠券、完课回访、客户管理系统、收费、退费、回访、账号权限、订单流水、Axure原型、rp原型 Axure原型演示及下载地址:https://www.pmdaniu.com/storages/124594/6cd7f9d1f451471b46ffac227c5fa9dc-93733/start.html#g=1&p=%E4%B8%9A%E5%8A%A1%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F
Axure高保真保险行业后台管理原型+微保CRM客户管理(代理人、保险产品附加险、费率+web端企业crm后台管理原型+渠道管理、会员管理 列表、需求书列表、认证审核、意见反馈、保险产品、内容管理) Axure原型链接及下载地址https://www.pmdaniu.com/storages/120521/1712bb8759615fe2227dc570de50ed02-30328/start.html#g=1&p=%E9%9C%80%E6%B1%82%E5%88%97%E8%A1%A8
I started this book with the intention of bringing a new side of SugarCRM to light. Since I began working at SugarCRM, I saw the flexibility and extensibility that the application could provide. I looked back on my previous position developing internal business applications, and saw that many of the features I added and design issues I would wrestle with were problems that SugarCRM had already solved. The engineering team at SugarCRM had built the application to solve this problem, yet few developers outside of SugarCRM really knew how powerful the underlying platform was. I knew there were other developers in this same boat, and that if I could reach them it would make their jobs much easier. What a CRM application does or doesn’t do isn’t authoritatively defined; instead, its goal is to fill in the gap where a company needs to solve problems in their relationships with their customers. Sometimes this means keeping track of meetings and phone calls. Other times, this means tracking the progress of an ongoing project. It could also mean managing support cases and product defects. Yet sometimes an application may not completely cover this. Just as every business or organization is unique, so must be what CRM will mean to them. Up until SugarCRM, this application space was full of players who thought they had the CRM problem solved, and built large proprietary applications that were expensive to implement and support and notoriously difficult to customize to meet their needs. SugarCRM came in and changed that scene, making CRM something that is inexpensive to implement, easier to customize, and more approachable for end-users to work with. It’s designed to be a CRM that your users won’t hate, which is the philosophy that the founders of SugarCRM set as their paramount goal when building it.
2021-02-26 15:42:37 5.64MB CRM Sugar
CRM管理系统、教育后台、赠品管理、优惠管理、预约管理、试听课、教师、学生、客户、学员、商品管理、科目、优惠券、完课回访、客户管理系统、收费、退费、回访、账号权限、订单流水、Axure原型、rp原型 Axure原型演示及下载地址:https://www.pmdaniu.com/storages/124594/6cd7f9d1f451471b46ffac227c5fa9dc-93733/start.html#g=1&p=%E4%B8%9A%E5%8A%A1%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F
suitecrm7.11.18中文语言包 安装步骤如下: 1、以管理员身份登入: 点击右边最上面的“admin” 2、找到Developer Tools下的Module Loader 3、进入Module Loader,上传下载好的中文语言包。 4、安装中文语言包: 5、进入admin的system,选择Locale 6、设置中文chinese language seting. 7、退出,重新选择中文登入即可。 8、全部中文化成功
2021-02-23 10:11:21 454KB SuiteCRM 开源CRM