MegaRAID® SAS Software User Guide MegaRAID storage manager 英文版 用户手册 包含webbios 说明
2021-05-19 20:00:39 31.04MB Avago LSI Magaraid 使用手册
openstack 平台创建用户脚本
2021-05-19 20:00:17 4KB openstack
Realtek RF调测文档。Continuous Tx testing;Continuous Packet Tx testing;Count Packet Tx testing;Carrier suppression testing;Air Rx testing....各位可以参考一下
2021-05-19 16:59:18 513KB WiFi Realte MPTOOL RTL871
The AWS2 signal conditioning unit is used in conjunction with the Robert Bosch LSU broadband lambda sensor to evaluate the sensor signal. The AWS2 signal conditioning unit can be used for the following as an inexpensive alternative to the precision measuring instrument LA4: • evaluating the LSU sensor signal in engine ECUs • continuous measurements to determine sensor accuracy • map optimization. The LSU sensor is fitted in the exhaust system as a measuring sensor (possibly in addition to a lambda sensor which has already been installed). The signal conditioning unit AWS2 is used to determine the pump current of the sensor and the current sensor internal resistance. The signal conditioning unit can be operated with various model ranges of the LSU lambda sensor; different sensor internal resistances must be set on the unit for this purpose. The unit is also designed to facilitate upgrading to ensure that it can be used with all future model ranges.
2021-05-19 12:31:19 903KB LSU ETAS LAMBDA
2021-05-19 11:00:28 2.72MB 嵌入式处理器
BES Cluster User Guide 保兰德使用手册
2021-05-18 15:01:11 1.47MB 宝兰德中间件
CSR官方的文档,主要是介绍Sink Configuration Tool工具的使用,可以简单了解。
2021-05-18 11:22:04 403KB CSR 配置Tool
2021-05-17 18:00:42 31KB http https
近两个月来,由于国际局势导致海思的芯片供应链出现问题,海思的安防芯片缺口逐渐扩大,从华南地区逐步扩散至其他城市,从高端型号延伸到中低端型号,价格一路飙涨,能否有持续稳定的货源成为了从业者的心头病。 国产端侧芯片龙头企业之一 瑞星微(Rockchip)在今年的 6 月份发布了两款高低搭配、内置NPU、面向 IPC的SoC: RV1126、RV1109。这两块芯片的及时发布,算是缓解了大家的燃眉之急。
2021-05-16 22:00:36 2.78MB RV1126
VMware workstation 使用说明,用户手册
2021-05-16 18:01:10 3.61MB vmware workstation 虚拟机 客户机