2021-10-07 19:28:26 4KB 自然语言处理
自然语言处理顶会ACL 2020在本周公布了接受论文的结果,本文整理了20篇已录用的高水平论文,分别来自世界各地顶级学术单位,涉及BERT、表示学习、对话、偏见等,大家来看下NLP领域最新研究是什么。
2021-10-07 12:45:49 12.51MB ACL_2020
Develop a NLP Model in Python & Deploy It with Flask, Step by Step,用Python开发一个自然语言处理模型(文档分类垃圾过滤),并用Flask进行部署,手把手教程,by Susan Li。
2021-10-07 11:52:41 337KB Python NLP 文档分类 Flask
2021-10-06 13:10:59 7KB NLP
Google-Bert模型在医疗领域的运用,实体关系三元组抽取模型(结合网上下载的两个相关模型进行修改) 该资源仅提供模型程序(无医疗相关数据)
2021-10-05 12:06:19 383.19MB bert nlp 三元组抽取
2021-10-04 14:29:55 581KB NLP 入门 实战 自然语言处理
2021-10-04 11:48:49 453KB python NLP 词典库
本项目记录NLP相关顶会(如ACL,EMNLP,NAACL,COLING,AAAI,IJCAI)的论文开源项目合集,同时欢迎各位同学提交问题,分享开源项目。 文章中一般很难把所有的细节都描述清楚,有代码至少给我们提供的参考和实现细节,所以我的初衷就是把这些项目整理出来,方便大家查阅!希望能够对相关同学有一点帮助!也强烈希望大家多多pr,一起维护起来,分享给更多的同学! 资源列表 ACL集合 2019年 2020年 ACL2020任务模块,如下: 模块 文件 预训练语言模型及部分应用 QA问答系统及机器阅读理解 问题生成 自然语言推理 NAACL集合 2019年 EMNLP集合 2019年 臻于2020/6/27(哈工大SCIR实验室在读博士) 致谢 特别感谢导师老师的指导和支持 感谢贡献者:(哈尔滨工业大学本科生);(哈尔滨工业大学本科生);(NLP工程师,知乎: );(哈尔滨工业
2021-09-29 16:31:09 76KB
Chinese_medical_NLP 医疗NLP领域(主要关注中文) 评测数据集 与 论文等相关资源。 9.CHIP2020各项评测已开放 10.医学数据挖掘与算法评测大赛 11.中文医疗对话数据集 12.阿里发布的中文医疗标准数据集合 中文医学知识图谱 CMeKG 英文数据集 PubMedQA: A Dataset for Biomedical Research Question Answering COMETA: A Corpus for Medical Entity Linking in the Social Media MedMentions 相关论文 1.医疗领域预训练embedding 2.综述类文章 3.电子病历相关文章 4.医学关系抽取 5.医学知识图谱 6.辅助诊断 7.ACL2020医学领域相关论文列表 8.医疗实体Linking(标准化) 9. AAAI2020
2021-09-29 09:36:37 25KB
Over 60 effective recipes to develop your Natural Language Processing (NLP) skills quickly and effectively About This Book Build effective natural language processing applications Transit from ad-hoc methods to advanced machine learning techniques Use advanced techniques such as logistic regression, conditional random fields, and latent Dirichlet allocation Who This Book Is For This book is for experienced Java developers with NLP needs, whether academics, industrialists, or hobbyists. A basic knowledge of NLP terminology will be beneficial. In Detail NLP is at the core of web search, intelligent personal assistants, marketing, and much more, and LingPipe is a toolkit for processing text using computational linguistics. This book starts with the foundational but powerful techniques of language identification, sentiment classifiers, and evaluation frameworks. It goes on to detail how to build a robust framework to solve common NLP problems, before ending with advanced techniques for complex heterogeneous NLP systems. This is a recipe and tutorial book for experienced Java developers with NLP needs. A basic knowledge of NLP terminology will be beneficial. This book will guide you through the process of how to build NLP apps with minimal fuss and maximal impact. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Simple Classifiers Chapter 2. Finding and Working with Words Chapter 3. Advanced Classifiers Chapter 4. Tagging Words and Tokens Chapter 5. Finding Spans in Text – Chunking Chapter 6. String Comparison and Clustering Chapter 7. Finding Coreference Between Concepts/People
2021-09-28 10:16:26 2.76MB NLP