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contents Contents Waveform diversity: a way forward to the future of the radar A. De Maio, A. Farina, F. Gini, L. Patton and M.Wicks Chapter 1 Classical radar waveform design Nadav Levanon Chapter 2 Information theory and radar waveform design Mark R. Bell and Mir Hamza Mahmood Chapter 3 Multistatic ambiguity function and sensor placement strategies Ivan Bradaric1, Gerard T. Capraro and Michael C.Wicks Chapter 4 MIMO radar waveform design Ming Xue, Jian Li and Petre Stoica Chapter 5 Passive bistatic radar waveforms Hugh D. Griffiths and Chris J. Baker Chapter 6 Biologically inspired waveform diversity Chris J. Baker, Hugh D. Griffiths and Alessio Balleri Chapter 7 Continuous waveforms for automotive radar systems Hermann Rohling and Matthias Kronauge Chapter 8 Multistatic and waveform-diverse radar pulse compression Shannon D. Blunt, Thomas Higgins,Aaron K. Shackelford and Karl Gerlach Chapter 9 Optimal channel selection in a multistatic radar system M.S. Greco, P. Stinco, F. Gini, A. Farina and M. Rangaswamy Chapter 10 Waveform design for non-cooperative radar networks Antonio De Maio, Silvio De Nicola, Alfonso Farina and Michael C.Wicks Chapter 11 Waveform design based on phase conjugation and time reversal Lucio Bellomo, Marc Saillard, Sébastien Pioch,Frédéric Barbaresco and Marc Lesturgie Chapter 12 Space-time diversity for active antenna systems J.-P. Guyvarch, L. Savy and F. Le Chevalier Chapter 13 Autocorrelation constraints in radar waveform optimization for detection Lee K. Patton and Brian D. Rigling Chapter 14 Adaptive waveform design for radar target classification Nathan A. Goodman Chapter 15 Adaptive waveform design for tracking Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola, Jason Jun Zhang, Bhavana Chakraborty, Ying Li, Darryl Morrell and Sandeep P. Sira Chapter 16 Adaptive polarization design for target detection and tracking Martin
2019-12-21 20:17:47 14.68MB 波形优化设计 波形分集 先进雷达