官网下载的sqlserver jdbc驱动包 版本是4.2.X的,下载之后解压就可以看到
2019-12-21 19:46:37 1.65MB SQlServer JDBC 官方 version_4.2
PHPSay World 完整版本 包含手机版!商店和积分功能和最新版1。3。2没啥区
2019-12-21 19:46:18 1.23MB PHPSAY
2019-12-21 19:40:16 10.48MB Bluetooth
Beaver Builder Pro专业版,为一款国内实用性不可多得的wordpress拖拽页面插件,反应速度快,此版本为Beaver Builder最新版,原版,无修改,操作简单,轻松创建专业网站页面。注意:安装前请先删除免费版本。
2019-12-21 19:39:07 5.3MB Beaver Builder Pro 专业版
2019-12-21 19:35:08 14.31MB EZ-usb开发工具
这个是由官方网站上下来的DEMO Version 6.0版(目前最新的),DEMO Version在查看自己的源文件时老是弹出那个关于对话框,我觉得不方便就去掉了。这个软件可以转换多种语言(C++ VB Java T-SQL 等等)的源文件成流程图,大家试试这个软件吧,挺好用的。 我的积分太少了,不好意思我设成需要资源分2分了,大家见谅。
2019-12-21 19:34:13 1.51MB 代码自动转流程图 Code Visual to
Memory Card is a memory card that is specifically designed to meet the security, capacity, performance, and environment requirements inherent in newly emerging audio and video consumer electronic devices. The SD Memory Card will include a content protection mechanism that complies with the security of the SDMI standard and will be faster and capable of higher Memory capacity. The SD Memory Card security system uses mutual authentication and a "new cipher algorithm" to protect against illegal usage of the card content. A Non-secure access to the user's own content is also available. SD memory cards may also support a second security system based on commonly used standards, such as ISO-7816, which can be used to interface the SD memory card into public networks and other systems supporting mobile e-commerce and digital signature applications
2019-12-21 19:29:24 2.64MB SD协议
Oracle11GR2 OPatch工具,linux 64位,最新的opatch工具,给oracle11g打最新补丁用的,不用从mos上下载了
2019-12-21 18:58:46 101.15MB ORACLE11GR2 OPatch
1) CRC物理化学手册, 2016最新版,英文原版,96th edition, 3020页。 2) 工科及理科必备的参考手册。 3) PDF书签带目录带封面。 The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 96th Edition is an update of a classic reference. The 96th Edition contains several new features including, but not limited to – a major update to the table of isotopes, the first major compilation of high quality data of protein-ligand binding thermodynamics, and an important new collection of NMR data critical for understanding outcomes of organic syntheses. Plus, twelve lists have been updated such as, the physical properties of organic compounds and the latest experimental values of bond dissociation energies. Building on the new feature first introduced in the 94th edition, four historical figures in science will be honored on the end plates.
2019-12-21 18:58:15 132.64MB Chemistry Physics CRC
thinking in java 4th (English version), it is a good material for learning java
2019-12-21 18:57:18 4.53MB JAVA ENGLISH