2022-04-11 10:35:57 3.39MB c'
2019超详细Android Studio新手开发百度地图(5)—百度地图_导航和TTS语音播报的实现-附件资源
2022-04-11 09:43:43 106B
Visual Studio 2019 Community安装程序。Visual Studio是一款功能完备的 IDE,可用于编码、调试、测试和部署到任何平台。主要支持的语言有C#、VB、VC++、Python、F#等,还可以另外增加扩展包。Community版本是免费版本,30天试用期后,只需要使用Microsoft账户登录即可继续使用。
2022-04-10 16:33:22 1.32MB Visual Studio
2022-04-09 23:20:06 121B 数据集 医学图像
InfoPower4K_v20.0.5.1_2019 RIO非常不错的控件,infopower xe10
2022-04-08 21:12:52 9.26MB InfoPower4k
Adobe CC全家桶安装,激活,升级的步骤,请大家直接按照步骤来,原理我不多解释了, Adobe 2019 Zii 4.5.0 Adobe 2020 Zii 5.3.2 Adobe 2021 Zii 6.1.7 Adobe 2022 Zii 7.0.0 使用方法: 点击Patch or Drag或将应用程序目录中想要使用的程序拖动到Zii中就可以看到运行过程。 2019用4.5.0版,2020用5.32版,2021用6.x版,2022用7.x版
2022-04-08 19:04:13 59.55MB AdobeZii
2022-04-07 17:37:23 64.95MB 微信上墙 年会抽奖
If you’ve ever asked “what’s in C++17 and what does it mean for me and my code?” — and I hope you have — then this book is for you. Now that the C++ standard is being released regularly every three years, one of the challenges we have as a community is learning and absorbing the new features that are being regularly added to the standard language and library. That means not only knowing what those features are, but also how to use them effectively to solve problems. Bartlomiej Filipek does a great job of this by not just listing the features, but explaining each of them with examples, including a whole Part 3 of the book about how to apply key new C++17 features to modernize and improve existing code — everything from upgrading enable_if to the new if constexpr, to refactoring code by applying the new optional and variant vocabulary types, to writing parallel code using the new standard parallel algorithms. In each case, the result is cleaner code that’s often also significantly faster too. The point of new features isn’t just to know about them for their own sake, but to know about how they can let us express our intent more clearly and directly than ever in our C++ code. That ability to directly “say what we mean” to express our intent, or to express “what” we want to achieve rather than sometimes-tortuous details of “how” to achieve it through indirect mechanisms, is the primary thing that determines how clean and writable and readable — and correct — our code will be. For C++ programmers working on real-world projects using reasonably up-to-date C++ compilers, C++17 is where it’s at in the industry today for writing robust production code. Knowing what’s in C++17 and how to use it well is an important tool that will elevate your day-to-day coding, and more likely than not reduce your day-to-day maintenance and debugging chores. If you’re one of the many who have enjoyed Barteks’s blog (bfilipek.com, frequently cited at isocpp.org), you’ll certainly also enjoy this entertaining and informative book. And if you haven’t enjoyed his blog yet, you should check it out too… and then enjoy the book.
2022-04-07 12:02:21 987KB C++17
初试成绩发布后根据以往考试时间准备复习笔试和面试(最少有20天复习时间),可以 早上练习英语口语 上午复习笔试 重复记忆背诵并理解 下午复习面试 1.专业素质和能力测试 2.综合素质能力测试 晚上查漏补缺 哪里不会学哪里 具体如何复习依照个人喜好 推荐购买《7天攻克考研复试》 一、密切关注考研复试分数线   在最终确定报考院校和专业时,要充分考虑到自己的实力和分数线的要求。近几年形势已经非常明显,热门很热,冷门很冷,两者分数线差距极大。部分热门专业的分数线已经非常高,不具备一定实力的,很难上线。   因此,报考时不应盲目跟风,而要在仔细衡量自己实力之后,选择报考胜算把握较大的专业和院校。   二、关注考研区域对策   要考虑是否可以利用对西部院校和少数民族考生的倾斜政策。事实上,所列的西部12省市区,有不少优秀的院校和招生单位。   因此建议在选择报考院校时,同等条件下选择这些招生单位更加保险,轻松地上一个不错的院校。如果自己是少数民族,就更应该好好把握一下这个优惠机会。   三、掌握导师研究方向   除了那些最基本的专业知识外,还要充分了解自己所报考导师的研究内容。
2022-04-07 11:01:32 242.41MB 考研