经典的processing进阶书籍代码本色 , Daniel Shiffman是我的偶像哈哈
2021-09-08 08:23:40 9.18MB processing
This book is on the basic foundations of digital still cameras, the image sensor and the techniques used in processing the image coming from the sensor. It includes both the theory and the concepts of both the hardware being used and the software that ties everything together to make a useful system. This field is one that is rapidly changing. As a result Dr. Nakamura has gotten a group of people from various companies to write chapters on their own area of expertise. The companies by whom these contributors are employed is a who's who of the digital camera field including: Konica Minolta, Canon, Olympus, Fuji and various specialized companies that work in this area. Dr. Nakamura is employed by Micron, a major semi-conductor company. This is not a book on how to take pictures, this is a book on what happens underneath when you press the button. It is highly technical, designed for engineers.
2021-09-07 23:17:00 11.18MB Image Sensors and Signal
natural language processing with python最新版本,python3,NLTK3,注意是英文版本,每个章节都是分开的,介意的话,别下载
2021-09-07 21:12:50 12.74MB NLP python 最新版本 python3
2021-09-07 19:19:07 126.79MB processing
Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing Estimation Theory Steven M. Kay
2021-09-07 14:46:29 16.49MB Statistical Signal Processing Estimation
数字图像处理英文版Digital Image Processing Using Matlab.pdf
2021-09-07 09:57:58 38.88MB 数字图像处理
Many of the sections and examples were rewritten for clarity. We added a new section dealing with random numbers and probability, with an emphasis on their application to image processing. We included 12 new examples, 31 new images, 22 new drawings, 32 new exercises, and 10 new MATLAB projects.
2021-09-07 09:50:04 58.95MB 数字图像处理
2021-09-07 08:20:24 11KB 从CST中提取参数并后处理
通过深度学习进行语音分离和提取 此仓库总结了用于语音分离和说话人提取任务的教程,数据集,论文,代码和工具。诚挚地邀请您提出要求。 目录 讲解 [语音分离,李鸿-,2020年] [端到端神经源分离的进展,伊洛,2020] [音频源分离和语音增强,伊曼纽尔·文森特,2018年] [音频源分离,牧野昌司,2018年] [概述论文] 【概述幻灯片] [手册] 数据集 [数据集介绍] [WSJ0] [WSJ0-2mix] [WSJ0-2mix-extr] [WHAM&WHAMR] [LibriMix] [LibriCSS] [SparseLibriMix] [VCTK-2Mix] [CHIME5和CHIME6挑战赛] [音频 [Microsoft DNS挑战] [AVSpeech] [LRW]
pyart:Python-ARM雷达工具包。 由数据模型驱动的交互式工具包,用于处理天气雷达数据
2021-09-06 09:57:27 10.72MB python data-visualization radar-processing pyart