美国DDC公司1553B用户手册,包括BU-65170、61580及BU-61585(PCI)总线控制器/远程终端/监控器终端(BC/RT/MT)高级通信引擎(ACE)终端兼容主处理器与MIL-STD-1553A、B或STANAG 3838总线之间全部的集成接口。
2021-12-17 19:03:42 7.95MB 1553B ACE User's Guide
NuttX RTOS Porting Guide
2021-12-17 17:00:52 494KB Nuttx RTOS
Field guide to illumination
2021-12-17 14:49:31 3.09MB illumination
dell EMCisilon存储系统oneFS 8-2-1admin中文版操作指南
2021-12-17 14:00:24 2.27MB isilon emc 存储 dell
The ARM processor core is a key component of many successful 32-bit embedded systems. You probably own one yourself and may not even realize it! ARM cores are widely used in mobile phones, handheld organizers, and a multitude of other everyday portable consumer devices. ARM’s designers have come a long way from the first ARM1 prototype in 1985. Over one billion ARM processors had been shipped worldwide by the end of 2001. The ARM company bases their success on a simple and powerful original design, which continues to improve today through constant technical innovation. In fact, the ARM core is not a single core, but a whole family of designs sharing similar design principles and a common instruction set. For example, one of ARM’s most successful cores is the ARM7TDMI. It provides up to 120 Dhrystone MIPS1 and is known for its high code density and low power consumption, making it ideal for mobile embedded devices. In this first chapter we discuss how the RISC (reduced instruction set computer) design philosophy was adapted by ARM to create a flexible embedded processor. We then introduce an example embedded device and discuss the typical hardware and software technologies that surround an ARM processor.
2021-12-16 15:38:22 3.23MB embedded system
EBS R12 AP 模块 User Guide
2021-12-16 15:01:50 3.12MB R12 AP UG
A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews pdf,
2021-12-16 11:09:35 11.56MB pdf
2021-12-16 09:02:26 9.82MB 学习资料
2021-12-15 21:07:10 9.18MB ai 游戏开发 人工智能
Dark Souls III作弊引擎指南 介绍 该文档的灵感来自《。 随意访问一般的Dark Souls 3 Cheat Engine Disord 。 一般的 作弊引擎 经过最新的测试。 公开表: v1.2.4-04.03.2020 重新组织的统计信息标题:“保存信息”,“在线信息”,“ ESC”菜单 Loki和Church Guard添加了菜单功能脚本(打开指定的菜单可以在游戏中的任何地方使用。应该可以安全地在线使用) 用Loki的版本替换了Auto Revive脚本 添加了示例脚本(有关如何处理表中数据以及LUA-> ASM转换的几个不同示例) 将PhantomParam从统计信息移到了助手 添加了新的ParamPatcher脚本:Gáté的Dark Sun Fix,LOD类和LOD编辑示例脚本 将杂项标头从统计信息移动到摄像机 有关更多信息,请参见 指数 常问问题 讯
2021-12-15 20:24:56 907KB patcher dark-souls-iii cheat-engine AutoIt