2022-01-03 19:02:31 22KB 资料
2022-01-03 15:00:07 21KB 安全管理
互联网情报落地.pdf 安全工作的甲方乙方.pdf 移动互联网黑色产业链浅析.pdf
2022-01-03 09:00:14 4.03MB 工控安全 安全管理 攻防靶场 开发安全
1.A.1.pdf 1.A.2.pdf 4.A.2.pdf 5.B.3.pdf A probabilistic verification scheme for vehicular safety applications.pdf Economic Impact of IoT Cyber Risk.pdf Embedded policing and policy enforcement approach for future secure IoT technologies.pdf Ethical and normative challenges of identification in the Internet of Things.pdf GSAM Internet of things programme.pdf IoT in the wild what negotiating public deployments can tell us about the state of the Internet of Things.pdf IoT interoperability security considerations and challenges in implementation.pdf Jeremy Watson.pdf Keynote Advanced Security Research Greg Akers Cisco.pdf Mechanisms for meaningful consent in IoT.pdf Respectful things adding social intelligence to ‘Smart’ Devices.pdf Smart Bears don’t talk to strangers.pdf Smart IoT and soft AI.pdf The consumer security index for IoT.pdf Using graph databases to assess the security of thingernets based on the thingabilities and thingertivity of things.pdf What children s imagined uses of the BBC Micro bit tells us about designing for their IoT privacy security and safety.pdf WSNs under attack! How bad is it Evaluating connectivity impact using centrality measures.pdf
2022-01-03 09:00:14 36.22MB 系统安全 安全运维 安全管理 安全建设
公交安全管理信息系统 设计目的学生根据所学的数据库原理与程序设计的知识,能够针对一个数据库管理信息系统,进行系统的需求分析,系统设计,数据库设计,编码,测试等,完成题目要求的功能,从而达到掌握开发一个小型数据库管理信息系统的目的。
2022-01-02 21:02:27 26KB 资料
2022-01-02 15:03:15 20KB
2022-01-01 13:00:34 117KB 信息安全管理 管理体系
信息系统安全管理手册 V1.0 1.pdf
2021-12-31 13:00:15 692KB 信息系统 系统安全
2021-12-31 09:00:07 20KB 安全管理