With the increasing requirements of the performance in secure communication filed based on chaos, chaotic systems have been gradually developed into higher dimensions. Because the sequence generated by onedimension chaos, such as Chebyshev map has the problem of weak chaotic properties and uneven distribution, a new two-dimensional chaotic map, called Logistic-Adjusted-Chebyshev map (2D-LACM), is proposed in this paper which enlarges the range of chaotic control parameter, and expands the range of surjection to the entire control parameter interval to make the distribution of the sequence more uniform. Compared with other improved chaotic maps, the proposed 2D-LACM in this paper has more complex chaotic properties and better ergodicity. Next, a visualized image encryption algorithm based on 2D-LACM is proposed (LACM-VIEA), which can encrypt the plain image into a noisy image, and then embed it into a cover image of the same size. In order to demonstrate the security of LACM-VIEA, the algorithm is analyzed in detail from the aspects of key, histogram, visual effect, robustness and anti-plaintext attacks, etc. The final analysis results show that LACM-VIEA has good security performance.
2021-08-11 22:00:09 16.98MB 混沌系统设计 视觉安全加密
2021-08-11 19:01:49 4.64MB 映射工具
2021-08-11 17:08:46 621KB 键盘 鼠标 HID
FAMOSconnect(文件名) 读取(MARC 生成的)FAMOS 文件。 它返回一个结构,其中包含有关存储的信号和指向实际数据的内存映射链接的信息。 尚未加载任何实际数据。 因此,源文件的长度没有基于内存的限制。 FAMOSload(地图,信号) 从 FAMOSconnect 提供的映射结构加载特定信号。 FAMOSimport(文件名) 打开(MARC 生成)FAMOS 文件并导入所有信号。
2021-08-09 19:44:42 7KB matlab
EF Core 是用于 .NET 的现代对象数据库映射器。 它支持 LINQ 查询、更改跟踪、更新和架构迁移。 Entity Framework Core 是用于 .NET 的现代对象数据库映射器。 它支持 LINQ 查询、更改跟踪、更新和架构迁移。 EF Core 适用于许多数据库,包括 SQL 数据库(本地和 Azure)、SQLite、MySQL、PostgreSQL 和 Azure Cosmos DB。 要安装 EF Core,请为要定位的 EF Core 数据库提供程序安装包。 本教程使用 SQLite,因为它可以在 .NET Core 支持的所有平台上运行。 为了清楚起见,此应用程序有意使事情变得简单。 连接字符串不应存储在生产应用程序的代码中。 您可能还想将每个 C# 类拆分为自己的文件。 使用对象关系映射器 (O/RM) 在 .NET Core 应用程序中查询和管理关系数据。
2021-08-08 12:02:47 7.43MB 开源软件