化学风险 该游戏的核心概念是通过某些游戏化元素来介绍实验室的安全要求,以帮助科学,生物学和化学领域的学生在上课时更好地回忆起他们。 该游戏旨在在虚拟现实耳机环境中提供单人游戏体验。 这个项目是我的团队和我实施的一个概念,目的是使我们的客户满意。 该游戏允许多个学生在开始时创建用户,从而可以在同一系统上跟踪他们的进度和统计信息。 创建他们的用户时,播放器将能够为其用户设置特定的名称或用户名。 预习
2021-06-20 11:28:48 187.03MB vr game-development unity3d virtual-reality
CSCI559作业04-最后一支舞到期: 2018年3月8日 在此作业中,您将从github教室链接开始,创建自己的作业库,将其克隆到计算机上,对unity项目进行修改,提交更改,然后将更新后的库推回github。 潜在资源: [VRTK-传送教程]( )-连续有多个视频。 [VRTK-运动教程]( )-系列中有多个视频。 您还应该随时观看其他您认为有帮助的内容,如果发现好的视频/教程/网站,请放轻松。 学习成果 您将通过物理移动以外的其他方式来了解导航。 在assignment03中,您可以通过使用模拟步行的AWSD键并通过鼠标模拟场景周围的外观来在模拟器内移动用户。 您将学习捕捉
2021-06-10 16:31:23 64.54MB virtual-reality VirtualrealityC#
Complete Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Development with Unity by Jesse Glover Jonathan Linowes Packt Publishing English 2019-04-17 668 pages Details Title: Complete Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Development with Unity Author: Jesse Glover, Jonathan Linowes Length: 668 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2019-04-17 ISBN-10: 1838648186 ISBN-13: 9781838648183 Sales Rank: #218169 (See Top 100 Books) Categories Computers & Technology Games & Strategy Guides Programming Programming Languages Description Get close and comfortable with Unity and build applications that run on HoloLens, Daydream, and Oculus Rift Key Features Build fun augmented reality applications using ARKit, ARCore, and Vuforia Explore virtual reality by developing more than 10 engaging projects Learn how to integrate AR and VR concepts together in a single application Book Description Unity is the leading platform to develop mixed reality experiences because it provides a great pipeline for working with 3D assets. Using a practical and project-based approach, this Learning Path educates you about the specifics of AR and VR development using Unity 2018 and Unity 3D. You'll learn to integrate, animate, and overlay 3D objects on your camera feed, before moving on to implement sensor-based AR applications. You'll explore various concepts by creating an AR application using Vuforia for both macOS and Windows for Android and iOS devices. Next, you'll learn how to develop VR applications that can be experienced with devices, such as Oculus and Vive. You'll also explore various tools for VR development: gaze-based versus hand controller input, world space UI canvases, locomotion and teleportation, timeline animation, and multiplayer networking. You'll learn the Unity 3D game engine via the interactive Unity Editor and C# programming. By the end of this Learning Path, you'll be fully equipped to develop rich, interactive mixed reality experiences
2021-05-08 13:52:47 45.89MB AR VR Virtual Reality
在Google街景视图中进行虚拟漫步 在, 。 在隔离期间,由于COVID-19大流行,我们目前遇到的情况是,为了共同的福祉,我们减少了在街上自由活动的权利。 人们只能在杂货店等特定情况下外出。 在许多国家,许多边界都是封闭的,旅行被完全禁止。 Virtual Walks是一个使用Pose Estimation模型和LSTM神经网络一起在Google Street View中模拟步行的项目。 对于姿势估计,已修改了模型,而对于动作检测部分,已使用开发了LSTM模型。 该项目能够借助模拟世界各地的街道。 Tensorflow 2.0,Selenium和Python 3.7是该项目中使用的
2021-04-20 19:30:47 58.84MB tensorflow google-maps virtual-reality lstm-model
VR_库存 简单的射击小游戏来实现VR库存系统
2021-04-10 19:00:50 86.67MB csharp vr unity3d virtual-reality
Digitality, Virtual Reality and the ‘Empathy Machine’,To cite this article: Robert Hassan (2019): Digitality, Virtual Reality and the ‘Empathy Machine’, Digital Journalism, DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2018.1517604
2021-01-28 05:04:16 368KB 人工智能
2019-12-21 19:47:22 8.21MB VR