CS 189 is the Machine Learning course at UC Berkeley. In this guide we have created a com-
prehensive course guide in order to share our knowledge with students and the general public,
and hopefully draw the interest of students from other universities to Berkeley’s Machine Learning
This guide was started by CS 189 TAs Soroush Nasiriany and Garrett Thomas in Fall 2017, with
the assistance of William Wang and Alex Yang.
We owe gratitude to Professors Anant Sahai, Stella Yu, and Jennifer Listgarten, as this book is
heavily inspired from their lectures. In addition, we are indebted to Professor Jonathan Shewchuk
for his machine learning notes, from which we drew inspiration.
The latest version of this document can be found either at http://www.eecs189.org/ or http:
//snasiriany.me/cs189/. Please report any mistakes to the staff, and contact the authors if you
wish to redistribute this document.