2021-12-02 09:08:02 22KB
2021-12-01 20:05:47 416KB
br cr fr gr pr dr tr 自然拼读;.ppt
2021-11-30 09:04:04 8.88MB
SD-WAN sdwan-cr-book vEdge-routers-hardware-installation-guide.
2021-11-19 13:08:21 14.39MB cisco SD-WAN
2021-11-15 22:31:56 46KB Amos 验证性因素分析
2021-11-13 09:03:41 6.77MB dicom 医学影像 医学图像 DR
下载完,评论的同时,请点击评论框上方的五角星(共5个五角星),这样你的被扣的积分就可以返还了。 如果只评论,不点击小五角星,积分不会返还。 一定要先下载完,再评论。如果先评论后下载,或者在下载的过程中评论,积分同样不会返还。
2021-11-04 19:30:36 14.73MB Cr'
List of Fixes for EBF 16640 --------------------------- Following is a list of fixes which are cumulative to this release. Each fix is listed along with the EBF in which it was first released and the description of the problem. The list is sorted by the EBFID column. EBFID BugID Description ----- ------ ------------------------------------------------- 16640 558503 When the customer uses a JCM_Sybase connection cache the second time he runs calls the component he gets the following error: Error text = ct_exit(): user api layer: external error: This routine cannot be called because another command structure has results pending. fatal When using either JDBC and regular PB connections he does not see the error. 16640 556961 The WebForm "Unit of Measure Setup" screen "New" selection causes an "Unexpected error the browser will be closed". 16640 556701 Code error in javascript file dwcommon.js 16640 556124 A datawindow with header text that wraps in Win32, does not wrap in Webforms. They look truncated and don't display correctly. 16640 555928 When tabbing in a dwc, dddw expands unexpectedly using IE 6 and columns will then lose their tab order and cannot be tabbed to. Works ok using IE 7 browser. 16640 555379 When tabbing out of a column to retrieve, the following error appears: Windows Internet Explorer Unexpected error was thrown, the browser will be closed! Please report the error to administrator. Error: Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled or of a type tha
2021-11-04 10:26:05 42KB PB
利用Nd:YAG激光器、OceanHR2000+ICCD光谱仪建立激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)实验系统,设置合理的实验参数得到土壤样品LIBS数据,利用基于误差反向传播的人工神经网络(BP-ANN)算法,对含Cr浓度不同的样品进行了分析,选择CrI:425.435 nm为分析谱线,选择FeI:425.079 nm为参考线,在以相对峰强为输入模式下,对网络进行训练,建立定量分析模型,利用该模型进行预测,预测的相对标准偏差和相对误差均优于传统的定标曲线法得到的结果。
2021-10-30 11:42:54 1.44MB 光谱学 激光诱导 人工神经 定量分析