Optimizing Java_Practical Techniques for Improving JVM Application Performance(2018.05).A4.pdf 预览文字版 Currently, no books exist that focus on the practicalities of Java application performance tuning, as opposed to the theory and internals of Java virtual machines. This practical guide is the "missing link" that aims to move Java performance tuning from the realm of guesswork and folklore to an experimental science.
2022-04-06 23:57:21 11.89MB Java
The book represents a course reference for Universities and Engineering Schools offering courses on applied computer-controlled systems and system identification. In addition to its academic audience, Digital Control Systems is aimed at practising engineers wishing to acquire the concepts and techniques of system identification, control design and implementation using a digital computer. The industrial references for the techniques presented in the book and the various applications described provide useful information for those directly involved in the real-world uses of control. Readers who are already familiar with the basics of computer-controlled systems will find in this book a clear, application oriented, methodology for system identification and the design of various types of controllers for single-input, singleoutput (SISO) systems.
Principles of Modern Radar Advanced Techniques IEEE
2022-03-30 16:41:51 31.37MB 现代雷达原理
A Survey of Image Registration Techniques (1992)
2022-03-28 22:53:09 384KB A Survey of Image
Radar signals are generally characterised by repetitive patterns in time. An ESM receiver must intercept and identify several interleaved radar signals. Time-of-arrival (TOA) deinterleaving is employed in ESM processing to identify and extract the pulses of each radar signal. This task is extremely processor intensive and new techniques are required to operate on complex signals in high pulse densities. A new algorithm employing novel techniques is presented for fast, accurate deinterleaving of several repetitive signals. A cumulative TOA difference histogram gives an indication of probable pulse repetition intervals (PRIs) with a minimum number of computations. Validation and identification is given by searching for a sequence of these pulse intervals. The technique presented is less sensitive to interfering pulses and more robust to missed pulses than conventional published techniques. Weighting is used to enhance detection of sequences and a three-pulse priming sequence dramatically reduces unsuccessful searches. By employing a learning process, the efficiency is increased still further. The application of this algorithm to agile PRI signals is shown.
2022-03-28 21:35:02 447KB New techniques; cdif; deinterleaving
OFDMA系统频率同步算法综述-Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) has recently attracted vast research attention from both academia and industry and has become part of new emerging standards for broadband wireless access. Even though the OFDMA concept is simple in its basic principle, the design of a practical OFDMA system is far from being a trivial task. Synchronization represents one of the most challenging issues and plays a major role in the physical layer design. The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive survey of the latest results in the field of synchronization for OFDMA systems, with tutorial objectives foremost. After quantifying the effects of synchronization errors on the system performance, we review some common methods to achieve timing and frequency alignment in a downlink transmission. We then consider the uplink case, where synchronization is made particularly difficult by the fact that each user’s signal is characterized by different timing and frequency errors, and the base station has thus to estimate a relatively large number of unknown parameters. A second difficulty is related to how the estimated parameters must be employed to correct the uplink timing and frequency errors. The paper concludes with a comparison of the reviewed synchronization schemes in an OFDMA scenario inspired by the IEEE 802.16 standard for wireless metropolitan area networks.
2022-03-28 17:24:26 2.24MB Communications OFDMA 同步 综述
Principles of Digital Image Processing-Fundamental Techniques,包含了基本的图像处理算法,并配有相应的代码实现。容易看懂理解
2022-03-25 20:28:55 22.61MB 图像基础算法
Scalable Techniques for Formal Verification,2010,Sandip Ray
2022-03-23 21:24:32 2.05MB 形式化验证 形式化
Bioinformatics algorithms : techniques and applications
2022-03-20 16:19:40 7.03MB 算法、生物信息学
2022-03-08 09:27:00 10.43MB Gesture Reco