Switching Power Supply Design, 3rd Ed
2022-01-28 16:01:35 11.36MB Switching Power Supply Design
2022-01-28 15:09:55 23.89MB 开关电源
Designing Control Loops for Linear and Switching Power Supplies
2022-01-28 14:30:48 65.63MB 电力电子
Loop control is an essential area of electronics engineering that today's professionals need to master. A control system is a complex electronics architecture involving setpoints and targets. One simple example is the cruise control system of an automobile. Rather than delving into extensive theory, this practical book focuses on what power electronics engineers really need to know for compensating or stabilizing a given system. Engineers can turn instantly to practical sections with numerous design examples and ready-made formulas to help them with their projects in the field. Readers also find coverage of the underpinnings and principles of control loops so they can gain a more complete understanding of the material. This authoritative volume explains how to conduct analysis of control systems and provides extensive details on practical compensators. It helps engineers measure their system, showing how to verify if a prototype is stable and features enough design margin. Moreover, professionals learn how to secure high-volume production by bench-verified safety margins.
2022-01-17 13:54:41 29.32MB Switch Power supply
培训材料里面包含培训材料、实验指导书、实验设备的相关指导等! 望能够帮助广大初入行的朋友巩固自己,早日成为大神!
图 1.33 部分解空间树 8. 答:(1)n=3 时的解搜索空间如图 1.34 所示,不能得到任何叶子结点,所有无 解。 (2)剪枝操作是任何两个皇后不能同行、同列和同两条对角线。 (3)最坏情况下每个结点扩展 n 个结点,共有 nn个结点,算法的时间复杂度为 O(nn)。 (*,*,*) (1,*,*) (1,3,*) (2,*,*) (3,*,*) (3,1,*) 图 1.34 3 皇后问题的解搜索空间 9. 解:用数组 w[0..n-1]存放 n 个集装箱的重量,采用类似判断子集和是否存在解的 方法求解。对应完整的求解程序如下: #include #define MAXN 20 //最多集装箱个数 //问题表示 int n=5,W; int w[]={2,9,5,6,3}; int count; //全局变量,累计解个数 void dfs(int tw,int rw,int i) //求解简单装载问题 { if (i>=n) //找到一个叶子结点 { if (tw==W) //找到一个满足条件的解,输出它 count++; } else //尚未找完 { rw-=w[i]; //求剩余的集装箱重量和 if (tw+w[i]=W) //右孩子结点剪枝:剪除不可能存在解的结点 dfs(tw,rw,i+1); //不选取第i个集装箱,回溯 } } bool solve() //判断简单装载问题是否存在解
2021-12-12 14:28:26 7.27MB 答案
01 HCIP-Routing& Switching2.5提升企业级网络性能教材RS.pdf 02 HCIP-Routing& Switching V2.5部署企业级路由交换网络教材 NP. pdf 03 HCIP-Routing& Switching V25部署企业级网络工程项目教材 EP. pdf 11HCP实验指导书 HCIP-IERS M25pdf 12HCP实验指导书 HCIP-IENP V25,pdf
2021-12-01 14:02:46 98.25MB 华为 HCIP
华为数通高级工程师认证HCIP-Datacom-Advanced Routing & Switching Technology V1.0 培训教材,已经解除密码保护,可以自由的更改、添加书签、笔记。
2021-11-12 16:01:41 85.3MB HCIP-Datacom Routing&Switch 培训教材
2021-11-10 18:00:09 1.14MB 华为 H12-223 HCIP-Routing&S