多点路径规划指标自动智能工厂 智能工厂环境是“工业4.0”的重要方面,可以在其中订购,生产,分类和存储产品,并最终将其交付给接收者。 我们为模拟的自主仓储提出了一个封闭的解决方案。 这项工作着重于通过移动机器人在仓库内运输产品。 目标是为协作在线多代理任务和路径规划实现可扩展的系统。 产品和交货请求的到达时间和频率未知,需要进行存储。 为了处理任务的高要求,多个机器人必须在有限的空间内协调其运动,并且需要合作以最小化交付包裹的总时间。 混合任务计划可实现机器人之间的协作。 中央任务计划程序用于根据代理的组合反馈将任务分配给代理。 机器人分别评估其完成任务的能力(即当前工作量,预计到达时间,电池状况),并将结果报告给任务计划者,后者为每个任务选择最合适的代理。 这将计算工作量分配到代理和中央实例之间。 一旦接收到任务,每个机器人就会与其他机器人进行协调并进行协商,以基于定时预订系统动态地规划其路径,而拥塞较少或没有拥塞。 这样一来,分散式路径规划就可以同时考虑等待和绕行,以找到最快的路线。 运动计划可确保在考虑所有预留条件的情况下实现快速驾驶和准确的路径跟随。 借助这种混合计划结构,机器
2021-08-20 21:00:00 58.6MB 系统开源
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots(自主移动机器人导论第二版 英文) This book is the result of inspirations and contributions from many researchers and students at the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology Zurich (ETH) and Lausanne (EPFL), Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh (CMU), and many others around the globe. We would like to thank all the researchers in mobile robotics who make this field so rich and stimulating by sharing their goals and visions with the community. It is their work that enabled us to collect the material for this book.
2021-08-10 21:14:56 29.67MB 路径规划
大神巨作(英文版) Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots(1st and 2nd)
2021-08-10 10:23:33 35.05MB SLAM Mobile Robot
Programming.Robots.with.ROS ROS版本: Indigo,编程语言: Python,含源码
2021-07-23 17:21:21 27.26MB ROS pdf code robotics
Want to develop novel robot applications, but don’t know how to write a mapping or object recognition system? You’re certainly not alone, but you’re not without help. By combining real-world examples with valuable knowledge from the Robot Operating System (ROS) community, this practical book provides a set of motivating recipes for solving specific robotics use cases. Ideal for wide range of robot enthusiasts, from students in robotics clubs to professional robotics scientists and engineers, each recipe describes a complete solution using ROS open source libraries and tools. You’ll not only learn how to complete the task described in the recipe, but also how to configure and recombine the components for other tasks. All recipes include Python code. No robot hardware is required to get started, just experience with Python and Linux. This book is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students in introductory robotics courses. Table of Contents Part I. Fundamentals Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Preliminaries Chapter 3. Topics Chapter 4. Services Chapter 5. Actions Chapter 6. Robots and Simulators Chapter 7. Wander-bot Part II. Moving Around Using ROS Chapter 8. Teleop-bot Chapter 9. Building Maps of the World Chapter 10. Navigating About the World Chapter 11. Chess-bot Part III. Perception and Behavior Chapter 12. Follow-bot Chapter 13. On Patrol Chapter 14. Stockroom-bot Part IV. Bringing Your Own Stuff into ROS Chapter 15. Your Own Sensors and Actuators Chapter 16. Your Own Mobile Robot Chapter 17. Your Own Mobile Robot: Part 2 Chapter 18. Your Own Robot Arm Chapter 19. Adding a Software Library Part V. Tips and Tricks Chapter 20. Tools Chapter 21. Debugging Robot Behavior Chapter 22. The ROS Community: Online Resources Chapter 23. Using C++ in ROS
2021-07-23 17:19:39 16.91MB ROS Programming Robots
完整版的Programming Robots with ROS A Practical Introduction to the Robot Operating System。需要的朋友自行下载。
2021-07-23 17:18:06 32.43MB ROS Robot Indigo Python
2021-07-23 17:16:50 4.34MB ROS
2021-07-21 08:57:28 46.87MB ROS 电子书 ros-programm
这是Trajectory Planning for Automatic Machines and Robots Springer带书签电子版,带书签看起来方便。
2021-07-19 14:02:53 13.13MB trajectory planning automatic machines
Robots.io 是一个 Java 库,旨在简化网站“robots.txt”文件的解析。 如何使用 类提供了使用 robots.io 的所有功能。 例子 连接 要使用 User-Agent 字符串“test”解析 Google 的 robots.txt: RobotsParser robotsParser = new RobotsParser ( " test " ); robotsParser . connect( " http://google.com " ); 或者,要在没有 User-Agent 的情况下进行解析,只需将构造函数留空即可。 您还可以传递带有路径的域。 robotsParser . connect( " http://google.com/example.htm " ); // This would also be valid 注意:域可以以字符串形
2021-06-29 19:22:45 21KB Java