2021-11-01 20:05:47 6.6MB unity 插件 VRTK
Understanding Virtual Reality: Interface, Application, and Design (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics) By 作者: William R. Sherman – Alan B. Craig ISBN-10 书号: 0128183993 ISBN-13 书号: 9780128183991 Edition 版本: 2 出版日期: 2018-12-17 pages 页数: (916)
2021-10-18 19:27:19 16.66MB Design
AR.js-网络上的增强现实 AR.js是用于Web上增强现实的轻量级库,具有图像跟踪,基于位置的AR和标记跟踪等功能。 欢迎使用官方资料库! 该项目由创建,现在由维护。 :rocket: 有关AR.js的频繁更新,您可以关注并观看此! 徽标由。 您可以获得AR.js的付费支持和新功能。 检查 :high_voltage: AR.js现在有一个官方文档! :high_voltage: 出: 。 如果您想初步了解AR.js的潜力,可以继续阅读本自述文件。 :high_voltage: AR.js有两种不同的版本。 它们都被维护。 他们是独家的。 请导入您项目所需的一个,而不是两个都导入: 具有图像跟踪+基于位置的AR的AR.js: AFRAME版本: ://raw.githack.com/AR-js-org/AR.js/master/aframe/build/aframe-ar-nft.js three.js版本: ://raw.githack.com/AR-js-org/AR.js/master/three.js/build/ar-nft.js 具有标
2021-10-12 17:06:37 124.79MB threejs augmented-reality ar aframe
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. “With his YouTube channel, Mitch’s VR Lab, Mitch has helped thousands of people understand the foundations of locomotion and interaction mechanics with clear and concise UE4 videos. I’m thrilled that he has taken the time to bring all his knowledge and experience in working with Unreal Engine and Virtual Reality to the Unreal? Engine VR Cookbook…. Mitch is uniquely qualified to share this book with the world.” —Luis Cataldi, Unreal Engine Education, Epic Games, Inc. For game developers and visualization specialists, VR is the next amazing frontier to conquer—and Unreal Engine 4 is the ideal platform to conquer it with. Unreal ? Engine VR Cookbook is your complete, authoritative guide to building stunning experiences on any Unreal Engine 4-compatible VR hardware. Renowned VR developer and instructor Mitch McCaffrey brings together best practices, common interaction paradigms, specific guidance on implementing these paradigms in Unreal Engine, and practical guidance on choosing the right approaches for your project. McCaffrey’s tested “recipes” contain step-by-step instructions, while empowering you with concise explanations of the underlying theory and math. Whether you’re creating first-person shooters or relaxation simulators, the techniques McCaffrey explains help you get immediate results, as you gain “big picture” knowledge and master nuances that will help you succeed with any genre or project. Understand basic VR concepts and terminology Implement VR logic with Blueprint visual scripting Create basic VR projects with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Gear VR, Google VR, PSVR, and other environments Recognize and manage differences between seated and standing VR experiences Set up trace interactions and teleportation Work with UMG and 2D UIs Implement character inverse kinematics (IK) for head and hands Define ef
2021-09-20 13:09:02 26.79MB Unreal VR 电子书
2021-09-18 15:01:28 15.13MB 交通
2021-09-18 15:01:27 6.25MB 交通
Unity Modern XR示例 本教程介绍了如何使用Unity的新设置虚拟现实项目。 它具体显示了如何在不使用Unity的任何旧版工具且没有任何第三方资产的情况下做到这一点! 这意味着它非常轻巧,仅需一个脚本即可运行。 完整的教程可以在上找到。
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2021-09-14 10:25:57 22.63MB vr
ArchitectureExplorer:UE4 C ++ ArchViz项目,用于测试虚拟现实中的不同运动组件
1、为Mastering OpenCV第三章 少量标记增强现实的工程。 2、上面只是代码工程,不包含dll,lib等文件,请看准后下载。 3、运行效果参考博客:http://blog.csdn.net/raby_gyl/article/details/16902277 4、再次说明:这里仅含有代码,不包括dll,lib,工程的运行还需要配好lib,和dll等
2021-09-02 11:44:43 7.63MB 增强现实 Mastering OpenCV