2021-10-06 15:03:08 10.57MB Design.Patterns
标准C实现面向对象 Object-oriented Programming with ANSI-C 附带源码
2021-09-28 21:08:23 1.24MB oopc c
书名: 设计模式可复用面向对象软件的基础 英文原书名: Design Patterns:Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented software 作者: Erich Gamma 等 译者: 李英军 马晓星 蔡敏 刘建中 书号: 7-111-07575-7 页码: 254 定价: ¥35.00 会员价: ¥31.50 币值: 315 出版日期: 2000-9-1 本书设计实例从面向对象的设计中精选出23个设计模式,总结了面向对象设计中最有价值的经验,并且用简洁可复用的形式表达出来。本书分类描述了一组设计良好,表达清楚的软件设计模式,这些模式在实用环境下有特别有用。
2021-09-23 14:28:00 10.09MB 设计模式 面向对象 软件
Service-Oriented Cooperation Policies for Intelligent.pdf
2021-09-18 19:03:20 13.59MB 交通 V2X
ruby 面向对象编程第二版(2018)基于ruby 2.5 The Complete Guide to Writing Maintainable, Manageable, Pleasing, and Powerful Object-Oriented Applications
2021-09-13 01:04:30 12.87MB ruby 面向对象
Object-Oriented Software Construction 中文版 + 英文
2021-09-11 21:33:57 11.55MB OOSC2
Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-Oriented Approach with UML, 5th Edition by Dennis, Wixom, and Tegarden captures the dynamic aspects of the field by keeping students focused on doing SAD while presenting the core set of skills that every systems analyst needs to know today and in the future. The text enables students to do SAD—not just read about it, but understand the issues so they can actually analyze and design systems. The text introduces each major technique, explains what it is, explains how to do it, presents an example, and provides opportunities for students to practice before they do it for real in a project. After reading each chapter, the student will be able to perform that step in the system development process. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Chapter 2 Project Management PART ONE ANALYSIS MODELING Chapter 3 Requirements Determination Chapter 4 Business Process and Functional Modeling Chapter 5 Structural Modeling Chapter 6 Behavioral Modeling PART TWO DESIGN MODELING Chapter 7 Moving on to Design Chapter 8 Class and Method Design Chapter 9 Data Management Layer Design Chapter 10 Human–Computer Interaction Layer Design Chapter 11 Physical Architecture Layer Design PART THREE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, AND OPERATIONS Chapter 12 Construction Chapter 13 Installation and Operations
2021-09-09 03:21:45 3.3MB UML Systems Analysis Design
很好的FOC介绍文档,在结合英飞凌单片的平台,具有很强的实践意义(XC886/888 CM/CLM 8-Bit Flash Microcontroller Sensorless Field Oriented Control for PMSM Motors.pdf)
2021-09-09 00:38:25 1.4MB FOC
脆性材料断裂和疲劳的相场建模 这是一个面向对象的开源Python项目,旨在通过相场法模拟脆性材料的断裂和疲劳。 子目录的结构 ./src 所有源文件都包含在此文件夹中 。/例子基准问题 ./mesh-files 用于基准测试问题的gmsh文件 操作说明 要运行任何基准测试问题,请将相关的“”和“”放置在包含上述子目录的根目录中。 输入文件的结构 相场分析的输入文件的结构如下: 基准示例 狗骨标本的拉伸试验