Introduction xvii 1 Strategy and Competition 1 2 Forecasting 52 3 Sales and Operations Planning 128 Supplement 1 Linear Programming 169 4 Inventory Control Subject to Known Demand 198 5 Inventory Control Subject to Uncertain Demand 249 6 Supply Chain Management 315 7 Service Operations Management 367 Supplement 2 Queueing Techniques 417 8 Push and Pull Production Control Systems: MRP and JIT 437 9 Operations Scheduling 490 10 Project Scheduling 543 11 Facilities Layout and Location 593 12 Quality and Assurance 666 13 Reliability and Maintainability 742
2019-12-21 20:23:35 21.79MB data analysi production operation
Dell出厂的电脑,在 出厂的电脑,在 BIOS里硬盘模式设为 RAID ON模式 ,但是如果想装 Win 和 Ubuntu两个系统并存, 两个系统并存, Ubuntu必须在 必须在 ACHI硬盘模式下安装才能找到, 但改硬盘模式 为 AHCI的话, 的话, Win系统便会应为找不到驱动而蓝屏,所以一般只有重装 WINDOWS的时 候才能改为 AHCI。现在我给大家分享一个不需要重装系统就可以将硬盘改为 AHCI的方法, 就可以同时在 ACHI模式下使用两个系统了 。
2019-12-21 20:22:38 643KB dell RAID ON ACHI
2019-12-21 20:07:57 32.2MB operation sy