2022-11-17 15:26:10 1.22MB 传感器 应用技术
2022-11-17 15:26:06 1.39MB 传感器 应用技术
Arial.ttf KaiTi.ttf STKAITI.TTF 'Courier New.ttf' 'Times New Roman.ttf' simsun.ttc
2022-11-10 18:02:34 24.48MB 中文字体
Classification problems are significant because they constitute a meta-model for multiple theoretical and practical applications from a wide range of fields. The belief rule based (BRB) expert system has shown potentials in dealing with both quantitative and qualitative information under uncertainty. In this study, a BRB classifier is proposed to solve the classification problem. However, two challenges must be addressed. First, the size of the BRB classifier must be controlled within a feasible
2022-11-07 20:00:54 995KB Classification problems; Belief rule
2022-11-07 15:59:19 349KB 触摸按键 CA51F253L3 CA51F2X ca51f253l3-s2
直接解压就可以,没有密码。 最新RU工具,DOS,EFI Shell, 环境下使用,快速进行硬件地址及硬件信息读写。
2022-10-28 15:46:19 339KB BIOS RU
2022-10-27 11:00:53 79.13MB WeTool企业版5.6.1.e
Beginnings are important. Beginnings are when we establish trust and de ne much of how a relationship will progress. The new formats of virtual reality (VR), alternate reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) are at a beginning. These new “realities” are at a delicate stage and I sincerely believe they will de ne a new era of communications and entertainment. There is a risk, however, that if they are not presented in the right way or form the right relationships, they could easily just become another tech fad, another grab for quick cash from some people new realities 1 2 new realities in audio wanting to take advantage of unwitting consumers looking for the next big thing. If this happens then these new formats are going to fail. Let me begin, therefore, by stating I do not consider myself an expert in the new realities, not yet at least. I have spent the past few years exploring, discovering, and researching possibilities. I have worked for several leading companies specializing in the new reali- ties and have participated in some very exciting projects. I am also incredibly passionate about the creative potential offered by these new formats. I believe that we have opened up an area that is so new to all of us, and potentially so very different to everything we have used up till now, that it would be unrealistic for anyone to claim to be an “expert” just yet.
2022-10-12 16:49:17 121.24MB Video Audio AR VR
ISO 11898-1 2015.12.15.pdf ISO 11898-2 2016.12.15.pdf ISO 11898-3 2006.06.01.pdf ISO 11898-4 2004.08.01.pdf ISO 11898-5 2007.06.15.pdf ISO 11898-6 2013.11.01_image.pdf ISO 11898-2 2016.12.15_image.pdf除了后缀有image的是影印版,其他都是英文原版,可选中复制等操作。 内容包含最新的 CAN FD,AUTOSAR selective wakeup的支持等。主要用于汽车级工业的CAN通信应用
2022-10-12 12:14:35 31.58MB ISO 11898 CAN FD